Uses of Class

Packages that use DuDeJsonParser
de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm Contains all algorithm implementations (and interfaces) that are supported by DuDe
de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource Contains all DataSources supported by DuDe
de.hpi.fgis.dude.output Provides all interfaces and classes that can be used for printing results. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.output.statisticoutput Contains all classes that can be used for printing statistics of a run that are provided by the StatisticComponent
de.hpi.fgis.dude.util Provides DuDe's utility classes Contains all the classes dealing with the actual data storage (in-memory or file-based). Contains all Json data types.   

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.algorithm with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void AbstractRecordLinkage.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void XMLSource.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JSONSource.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void CSVSource.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void BibtexSource.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in de.hpi.fgis.dude.output

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.output with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void CSVOutput.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void AbstractDuDeOutput.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in de.hpi.fgis.dude.output.statisticoutput

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.output.statisticoutput with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void SimpleStatisticOutput.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void CSVStatisticOutput.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void Experiment.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in

Methods in with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void Jsonable.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
          Initializes the current instance using the passed DuDeJsonParser.
 void DuDeObjectPair.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void DuDeObjectId.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void DuDeObject.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in

Methods in with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
 void JsonString.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JsonRecord.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JsonNumber.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JsonNull.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JsonBoolean.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
 void JsonArray.fromJson(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser)
static void JsonUtil.readFields(DuDeJsonParser<?> jsonParser, AutoJsonable jsonable)
          Reads all non-transient fields of the jsonable to the DuDeJsonParser.

Uses of DuDeJsonParser in

Methods in with parameters of type DuDeJsonParser
protected  void AutoJsonSerialization.finishTypeSerializationRead(DuDeJsonParser<?> parser, Class<T> serializedType)
          Cleanup method used in conjunction with #readSerializedType(DuDeJsonParser, boolean).
(package private) abstract  T<?> parser)
          Reads the next value from the parser and returns it.
 T<?> parser)
          Creates an instance of the wrapped type and initializes the content with the json provided by the given DuDeJsonParser.
 E<?> parser, Object currentValue)
 T<?> parser, Object currentValue)
          Creates an instance of the wrapped type and initializes the content with the json provided by the given DuDeJsonParser.
 C<?> parser, Object currentValue)
abstract  T<?> parser, Object currentValue)
          Creates an instance of the wrapped type and initializes the content with the json provided by the given DuDeJsonParser.
 Object<?> parser, Object currentValue)
 void CompositeJsonSerialization.readFields(DuDeJsonParser<?> parser, T instance)
 void AutoJsonSerialization.readFields(DuDeJsonParser<?> parser, T jsonable)
          Reads all non-transient fields of the jsonable to the DuDeJsonParser.
protected  Class<T> AutoJsonSerialization.readSerializedType(DuDeJsonParser<?> parser, boolean leaveRecordIntact, Class<?> declaredType)
          Parsing equivalent of AutoJsonSerialization.writeWithType(DuDeJsonGenerator, Object).
Since the type is not written in every case, this method also supports a non-destructive way for testing of type information.
If leaveRecordIntact is set and no type information has been detected, it appears as if the method has never been invoked.
However, if type information has been detected, it shall be removed from the stream and the parsed class shall be returned.

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