Sheriff Defies Transgressors By Billboard And by Blog "''I'm outspoken about illegal aliens,'' Sheriff Richard K. Jones of Butler County told a visitor to his office. ''You may have picked up on that.'' To eliminate doubts about his views, Sheriff Jones posted six billboards by roadways in this proudly conservative blue-collar county. ''Hire an illegal -- break the law!'' the signs warn, with a photograph of the sheriff. He also took out half-page advertisements in local newspapers to convey his message, and he set up a blog to promote a boycott of local businesses that employ illegal immigrants. The sheriff then opened a tip line so citizens could report any employers they suspected. And right outside the sheriff's office, yellow street signs read ''Illegal Aliens Here,'' with an arrow pointing to the adjoining jailhouse. ''I wanted to let the federal government know that if they couldn't find any illegals, I've got some right here in my jail,'' said the sheriff, a conservative Republican. The sheriff has drawn complaints from Hispanic business owners, who say their customers stay home and their sales drop whenever he speaks out. ''Every time the sheriff talks on the radio, people call me to ask if the immigration police are in the street,'' said Miguel Garcia, 31, a legal Mexican immigrant who owns Supermercado Garcia, a grocery store in Hamilton. In May, Sheriff Jones sent his deputies to a construction site after a report that tension was brewing between American and immigrant workers. He detained 18 immigrants for questioning, prompting objections from the American Civil Liberties Union that he had overstepped his authority. Sheriff Jones says that he does not try to enforce federal immigration laws, but that he can apply state labor and tax laws to combat what he calls ''the underground economy.'' His goal, he says, is to prevent labor exploitation. ''People that hire illegals make lots of money on other people's backs,'' Sheriff Jones said. ''There isn't much sympathy for that in this county.''"