Potsdam. The latest ranking conducted by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) assesses the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) as one of the four university institutions offering the best computer science programs in the German-speaking countries. The universities of Karlsruhe, Passau, and Saarbruecken complete the winning quartet, which came in first in the evaluation of computer science programs. In the 2006 CHE survey, the Potsdam institute, which is funded by SAP co-founder Hasso Plattner, still ranked behind the universities of Karlsruhe and Paderborn and Munich’s technical university.
In four of five categories, the HPI’s nationally unique IT-Systems Engineering program ranks in the top group again this year: excellent grades were awarded in the categories of general conditions, mentoring, IT infrastructure, and research funds. In the category of research reputation, the HPI already ranks in the middle field of all 66 evaluated computer science institutions.
„We are very pleased that our young university institute reached this outstanding position among all computer science institutions in the German-speaking countries after only nine years‘ work”, HPI Director Prof. Christoph Meinel commented. He emphasized the improved assessment of the HPI’s research reputation in comparison to the last ranking and said this trend was an incentive to further intensify research activities.
Since 1998, the CHE ranking of higher education institutions, which is published in the renowned German weekly „Die Zeit“, enables high school graduates to find a university or college that suits their individual needs, based on systematic and sound data. It is at present considered the most comprehensive and most detailed ranking in the German-speaking countries.
Additional information for editors:
Please note the two tables in our download area:
- German universities offering the best computer science programs
- CHE ranking of computer science programs in Berlin and Brandenburg
Download this press-release (.pdf).