Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Trends und Konzepte in der Softwareindustrie II (incl. EAI II) (Wintersemester 2005/2006)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner (Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts)
Website zum Kurs: https://hpi.de/das-hpi/personen/professoren/prof-dr-patrick-baudisch.html

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2
  • ECTS: 3
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 15.12.2005
  • Lehrform:
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul


  • IT-Systems Engineering MA


Preliminary Information

This lecture will be held in a seminar style. The group will discuss several topics with Prof. Plattner. On the last day each topic will be presented by a small group of students, giving a recapture and an outlook.

hot topics

  • main memory databases, datamodels
  • user centric design
  • software development and lifecycle
  • cost & performance
  • software architecture, composite applications
  • development tools and modelling


Trends and Concepts Part I is recommended but not required.


recommended reading

all material from part I should be known

more specific material will be published on the department's website before the seminar

Lern- und Lehrformen

groupwork, discussions, ...


the grading process

  • grades will be aquired in groups
  • each group will be assigned one discussion topic
  • each group will be set up randomly and consists of approximately 5 students
  • the group will document all discussions of the seminar that are relevant to their topic
  • finally each group will present a short summary, adding some own thoughts and giving an outlook
  • this presentation will be complemented by a paper which contains the things above


preliminary dates

February 20-23 2006  9.15 - 16.45 HS 3 

However, the schedule might change...
