Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Personalized Medicine (Sommersemester 2019)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Erwin Böttinger (Digital Health - Personalized Medicine) , Dr. Claudia Schurmann (Digital Health - Personalized Medicine) , Christian Lautner (Gastdozenten oder Dozenten der Uni-Potsdam) , MD, PhD Noura Abul-Husn (Gastdozenten oder Dozenten der Uni-Potsdam) , PharmD Aniwaa Owusu-Obeng (Gastdozenten oder Dozenten der Uni-Potsdam)

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 01.04.2019 bis 26.04.2019
  • Lehrform: Vorlesung / Übung
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Lehrsprache: Englisch

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

Digital Health MA


Personalized medicine (PM) combines lifestyle, environment, genomic, and biologic information  to identify molecular disease mechanisms with the aim of improving prevention, diagnosis and therapy while leading to a more efficient health system. Personalized Medicine is intensely data-driven and leverages health information systems, genomics, data sciences, and digital health methodologies and technologies. Real-world implementations of personalized medicine applications typically integrate digital health technologies and tools.  

This course addresses the specialization areas ‘Digitalization of Clinical and Research Processes (DICR)’, ‘Acquisition, Processing and Analysis of Health Data (APAD)’, and ‘Scalable Computing Algorithms for Digital Health (SCAD)’ of the Digital Health Master program. It is designed to equip students with core competencies in personalized medicine. In ‘Content Block 1 - Personalized Medicine Drivers’ students will learn about key developments driving the evolution of personalized medicine, and apply the learned knowledge in selected practical case studies. Topics include statistical genetics, genome-wide association studies, human genome project, genomic sciences, sequencing technologies/next generation sequencing, real-world EHR-linked biobanks, health IT and data platforms, health apps, artificial intelligence, and markets and investing. In ‘Content Block 2 - Personalized Medicine Applications’, main examples of high-impact clinical applications will be introduced in lectures and with in-depth case studies. Topics include pharmacogenomics, precision oncology and molecular tumor boards, genomic medicine, drug development, and advanced personalized therapies.

Lecturers: In addition to HPI Prof. Dr. Erwin Böttinger, HPI Senior Researcher Dr. Claudia Schurmann, and Christian Lautner, Managing Partner, Flying Health, course lecturers will include international leaders in various domains of personalized medicine from the Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine and Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai, and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, including Noura Abul-Husn, MD,PhD, Clinical Director of the Center for Genomic Health, and Aniwaa Owusu-Obeng, PharmD, Director Translational Pharmacogenomics.

The course will deploy a mixed teaching format with lectures, seminars, and case studies with active student participation. In a new ‘real-world simulation’ project, students will be assigned in small project teams. Teams will produce and deliver presentations and reports on the topic of ‘preparing healthcare to deliver the personalized digital future’ for ‘mock clients’ representative of various digital health stakeholders. ‘Mock clients’ include government agencies, not-for-profit global health organisations, pharmaceutical and IT corporations, academic health (hospital) systems, and others. ‘Client presentations’ will be held in front of ‘judges’ and peers, and count for 30% of the final grade. ‘Written client reports’ (up to 5 pages) will count for 30% of the final grade. In addition, a written final exam will count for 40%.

Students will learn about foundations for Personalized Medicine, including the Human Genome Project and genomic sciences, revolution in sequencing and data technology, modern real-world biobanking, artificial intelligence, health IT platforms and digital health technologies for personalized medicine. Students will study real-world applications of Personalized Medicine, including pharmacogenomics, precision oncology, regulatory framework, drug discovery and development, and advanced therapies.

Characteristics of Class Meetings/Lectures: Two back-to-back lectures/seminars/case studies once a week

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand and apply the concepts, definitions, approaches and terms in personalized medicine
  • Critically assess impact of challenges and opportunities for personalized medicine
  • Learn to make and communicate assessments and decisions on personalized medicine requirements in development and/or implementation of digital health solutions
  • Ability to assess scope and sustainable benefits of digital tools, applications, and information in health behavior, prevention and management of disease


Course Topics, Lecturers, and Schedule  

Week 1: (10.04.) Introduction to Personalized Medicine (Prof. Böttinger)

  • Lecture: Personalized Medicine Introduction and Course Overview
  • Lecture: Strategies for Personalized Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Readings:
    • Ashley E. Towards precision medicine: applications of next generation sequencing. Nature Reviews Genetics 17:507-522, 2016
    • Pritchard et al. Strategies for integrating personalized medicine in healthcare practice. Personalized Medicine Vol 14(2) Published Online 19 Jan 2017
    • Personalized Medicine Coalition. Public perspectives on Personalized Medicine. Survey of U.S. public opinion May 2018
    • Personalized Medicine Coalition. The Personalized Medicine Report 2017  


BLOCK 1: Impact of Enablers and Drivers for Personalized Medicine


Week 2 (17.04.): Genomics (Dr. Claudia Schurmann)

  • Lecture: Principles, Methods and Impact of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
  • Seminar/Case Studies: Landmark GWAS and genomics Studies

Week 3 (24.04.): cancelled (new date 21.06.)


Week 4 (08.05.):  Biobanks (Prof. Böttinger, Dr. Schurmann)

  • Lecture: Modern EHR-linkable Biobanks: drivers for Personalized Medicine implementation
  • Seminar/case studies: Comparative in-depth studies of UK Biobank, Vanderbilt's BioVu and Mount Sinai's BioMe Biobank programs


Week 5 (15.05.): cancelled! (new date 21.06.)


Week 6 (22.05.):  Financing and Entrepreneurship (Christian Lautner)

  • Lecture: Markets, investments and entrepreneurs in Personalized Medicine
  • Seminar/Exercise: The perfect Personalized Medicine startup pitch




Week 7 (29.05.): Pharmacogenomics: the right medication for the right patient at the right time (Aniwaa Owusu-Obeng, Pharm.D.)

  • Lecture: Foundations and Principles of Pharmacogenomics
  • Case Studies: Use cases of clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics aided by medical informatics

Week 8 (05.06.): Personalized medicine for oncology practice (Prof. Dr. med. Christof von Kalle)

  • Lecture: Impact of personalized medicine in clinical oncology
  • Case Studies: patient centered digital tools


Week 9 (12.06.): ‘White Paper’ Report Projects Part I (Prof. Böttinger, Dr. Schurmann)

  • Seminar: Preparing healthcare for the personalized, digital future: The NHS Topol Report, others (class discussion and project team tasks planning)
  • Project assignments: Assign teams to writing ‘white papers’ to assess ‘The NHS Topol Report’ for mock clients: i.e. German Ministry of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, WHO, Roche Pharma, SAP, Charité Universtitätsmedizin Berlin, Mount Sinai Health System New York, others.


Week 10/I (19.06.): ‘Deep Learning – Artificial Intelligence’ (Prof. Böttinger)

  • Lecture: Data-driven personalization of health and healthcare   
  • Seminar/case studies: Ada Health, DeepMind, HealthReveal, others


Week 10/II (21.06.) make up date for 24.04. and 15.05.

       Devices, Apps and Platforms (Prof. Böttinger)

  • Lecture: Devices, apps and data platforms in Personalized Medicine
  • Seminar/Case Studies: Smart on HL7 FHIR, Apple Health, Smart4Health, others


Week 11 (26.06.): Personalized medicine for medical practice (Noura Abul-Husn, MD, PhD)

  • Lecture: Introducing genomics in health care: approaches and challenges
  • Case studies: comparative practice examples of clinical genetics for rare diseases versus for common diseases


Week 12 (05.07.): Part II. Team presentations of ‘white papers’ on ‘preparing the healthcare to deliver the personalized digital future’ (Prof. Böttinger, Dr. Schurmann)

  • Session #1: White paper team presentations and discussion
  • Session #2: White paper team presentations and discussion


Week 13 (10.07.): Course review and exam preparations (Prof. Böttinger, Dr. Schurmann)

  • Session #1: Review and discussion of essential course content
  • Session #2: Mock-Exam


Week 14 (17.07.): Final Exam and group discussion

  • Session #1: Exam
  • Session #2: Group discussion: course highlights, challenges, improvements









Prof. Böttinger

  • Ashley E. Towards precision medicine: applications of next generation sequencing. Nature Reviews Genetics 17:507-522, 2016
  • Pritchard et al. Strategies for integrating personalized medicine in healthcare practice. Personalized Medicine Vol 14(2) Published Online 19 Jan 2017
  • Personalized Medicine Coalition. Public perspectives on Personalized Medicine. Survey of U.S. public opinion May 2018
  • Personalized Medicine Coalition. The Personalized Medicine Report 2017   
  • Topol EJ. High-performance medicine: the convergence of human and artificial intelligence in healthcare. Nature Med 25:44-56, 2019.
  • NHS The Topol Review. Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future. An independent report on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, February 23019


Presentation of ‘real-world project work’ (project start: week 9; project presentations: week 12): 30% of the final grade.

‘Written reports’ (up to 6 pages): 30% of the final grade.

Written final exam: 40% of the final grade.


Block Course (every Wednesday morning), Lecture Hall 3, Starting April 10

  • Lecture/Seminar/Case Study #1:  9:15-10:45 am
  • Lecture/Seminar/Case Study #2: 11:00-12:30 am

05/08  HE 52

05/15 cancelled!

make up day 06/21  ( Friday, full time) G3 E 15/16
