Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Automotive Open Systems Architecture (AUTOSAR) (Wintersemester 2008/2009)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Holger Giese (Systemanalyse und Modellierung) , Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Neumann (Systemanalyse und Modellierung)

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2
  • ECTS: 3
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 07.11.2008
  • Lehrform:
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul


  • IT-Systems Engineering MA


External industry partner: Dr. Heiko Dörr

The development and maintenance of Automotive-Software-Systems is one of the most difficult challenges in the Automobile-Industry. By now 80% of today’s innovations are realised through software. This results in rapidly increasing complexity and in new challenges inside the development process.

One approach to cope with these problems is the upcoming AUTOSAR standard (AUtomotive Open System ARchitecture), which is an open and standardized architecture for the development of vehicular software.

Within this course the students will gain inside the development process of automotive software systems using the AUTOSAR framework. The attendees will have a look inside the foundations of such a development process, inside the basics of the AUTOSAR standard as well as in additional activities which are related to the whole process (e.g., modelling, programming, testing,..).

 Each participant will work on one of the below listet topics:

  1.  Foundations
    1. Commercial and Organizational Foundations for the Development of Automotive Embedded Systems
    2. Technical Foundations for the Development of Automotive Embedded Systems
  2. Concepts
    1. AUTOSAR - Software Architecture and Application Layer
    2. AUTOSAR - Run Time Environment and Virtual Function Bus
    3. AUTOSAR - Communication Stack
    4. AUTOSAR - Methodology and Template Based System Design
  3. Tool-Support
    1. Modeling and Development of AUTOSAR System Architecture using SystemDesk
    2. Modeling and Development of AUTOSAR System Architecture using daVinci
    3. Function-Development of Automotive Software using Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow
    4. Configuration and Code-Generation of the AUTOSAR Basic Software


A first introductory course will be held on October 30, 2008 at 10:15 o'clock in the lecture room H3.


Each member of the course will examine one topic. This includes a representation and a written elaboration. The assignment of topics will be done at the beginning of the blockseminar.


Updated 16.10.2008:

A first introductory course will be held on October 30, 2008 at 10:15 o'clock in the lecture room H3.

A short insight into the field of automotive software systems and in the different toppics of the blockseminar will be given. Additionally some organizational information will be discussed.

The presentations will be held in form of a blockseminar o

  • 30.01.2009 and
  • 13.02.2009

The exact daytime will be posted later.




  • Jörn Schlegel - Technical Foundations - PDF
  • Nico Naumann - Runtime Environment and Virtual Function Bus - PDF
  • Johannes Gosda - Communication Stack - PDF
  • Robert Warschofsky - Software Architecture - PDF
  • Regina Hebig - Methodology and Templates - PDF
  • Alexander Krasnogolowy - Simulation of Automotive Systems - PDF
  • Sebastian Wätzoldt - SystemDesk - PDF
