Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Designing Communication - Communicating Designs (Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Dozent: Dr. Jonathan Edelman

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2
  • ECTS: 3
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 26.10.2018
  • Lehrform: Seminar
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Lehrsprache: Deutsch
  • Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 16

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

IT-Systems Engineering MA
  • Professional Skills
    • HPI-PSK-KO Kommunikation
Digital Health MA
Data Engineering MA



Strong leadership requires communication with text, speech, visual and spatial elements. Often, complex concepts and processes must be made accessible internally to teams, and external to investors, partners and customers.

This is a hands-on course about shaping innovative products, services and systems, working environments, and engaged teams. Clear and effective communication of your values ​​within your organization, as well as designing for clear communication with customers and stakeholder engagement, is essential for success.

Through richly illustrated presentations, relevant theory, and hands on exercises, participants want to gain insight and experience with the foundations of design in the context of communicating and creating cultures of innovation in the digital realm.

Learning goals:

The students learn about the principles and practice of effective design and communication in the context of leading digital innovation in startups and large organizations.

Conveyed competencies:

  • Knowledge-related competencies: how design is an essential element in creating successful organizations – startups and larger companies; how to make radical, relevant and rigorous change in the context of products, services, systems and culture.
  • Methodological competencies: Case study analysis; synthesis; visualization; design theory and methodology; presentation techniques.
  • Social competencies: Group work, discussions and structured critiques.



Slides and relevant reading materials and other materials will be handed out in class and posted on Moodle.

Lern- und Lehrformen


Lecture; group discussion; hands on exercises, project work.

The course will be held in English.


This is a hands-on course and requires active participation and engagement from attendees. You will be expected to contribute verbally and materially to each session of the course.

The grade will be calculated on the basis of:

  • oral participation (25%)
  • project work (25%)
  • final exam (written or oral) (25%)
  • a presentation of final project (10 minutes plus question/discussion period, accompanied by 4 – 5 pages of documentation) at the end of the course (25%).


Dates and room

The course starts on 23 October 2018 and will be held weekly in room H E.51.
