Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert

„Precision Healthcare is Data Science“

01. November 2018 

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur Antrittsvorlesung an die von Universität Potsdam und Hasso-Plattner-Institut gemeinsam getragene Digital-Engineering-Fakultät einladen zu können. Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert wird am 01. November 2018 zum Thema „Precision Healthcare is Data Science“ sprechen.

HPI Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Lippert
Am 01. November 2018 findet die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert zum Thema „Precision Healthcare is Data Science“ statt.

Die Antrittsvorlesung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten:  

Technological advances in clinical measurement devices based on sequencing, imaging, and wearable sensors promise to accurately diagnose diseases in their earliest stages when they can be readily treated. Data science lies at the core of this vision of personalized medicine, where each individual is monitored based on their medical history, as well as their own genetic and environmental disease risk. While today, medicine is still mainly centered around treating symptoms rather than personalized treatment of disease mechanisms, recent cohort studies that pair genetics with multi-modal phenotyping will serve as reference populations to assess the disease risk of an individual, as they provide detailed longitudinal recordings of occurrence and progression of disease in healthy individuals.

Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 16:00 Uhr in Hörsaal 1 am Hasso-Plattner-Institut.