Prof. Dr. Lothar H. Wieler

Ausgewählte Publikationen


  • Effects of face mask mandates on COVID-19 transmission in 51 countries: retrospective event study. Näher, Anatol-Fiete; Schulte-Althoff, Matthias; Kopka, Marvin; Balzer, Felix; Pozo-Martin, Francisco; others in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (2024). 10(1) e49307.
  • Measuring fairness preferences is important for artificial intelligence in health care. Näher, Anatol-Fiete; Krumpal, Ivar; Antão, Esther-Maria; Ong, Erika; Rojo, Marina; Kaggwa, Fred; Balzer, Felix; Celi, Leo Anthony; Braune, Katarina; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The Lancet Digital Health (2024). 6(5) e302-e304.
  • Moving cholera vaccines ahead of the epidemic curve. Memish, Ziad A; Blumberg, Lucille; Al-Maani, Amal Saif; Baru, Rama; Dube, Eve; Gao, George F; Jernigan, Daniel B; Leo, Yee-Sin; Peiris, Joseph Sriyal Malik; Masud, Jakir Hossain B; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The Lancet (2024). 403(10422) 127–129.


  • HPIDHC at NTCIR-17 MedNLP-SC: Data Augmentation and Ensemble Learning for Multilingual Adverse Drug Event Detection. Fox, Smilla; Preiß, Martin; Borchert, Florian; Rasheed, Aadil; Schapranow, Matthieu-P. (2023).
  • Reflections from the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: lessons for global health. Wieler, Lothar H; Antão, Esther-Maria; Hanefeld, Johanna in BMJ global health (2023). 8(9) e013913.
  • An appeal for strengthening genomic pathogen surveillance to improve pandemic preparedness and infection prevention: the German perspective. Salzberger, Bernd; Mellmann, Alexander; Bludau, Anna; Ciesek, Sandra; Corman, Victor; Dilthey, Alexander; Donker, Tjibbe; Eckmanns, Tim; Egelkamp, Richard; Gatermann, Sören G; Wieler, Lothar H; others in Infection (2023). 1–7.
  • Three years into the pandemic: results of the longitudinal german COPSY study on youth mental health and health-related quality of life. Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Devine, Janine; Napp, Ann-Kathrin; Kaman, Anne; Saftig, Lynn; Gilbert, Martha; Reiß, Franziska; Löffler, Constanze; Simon, Anja Miriam; Hurrelmann, Klaus; Wieler, Lothar H; others in Frontiers in Public Health (2023). 11 1129073.
  • Establishing Infodemic Management in Germany: A Framework for Social Listening and Integrated Analysis to Report Infodemic Insights at the National Public Health Institute. Boender, T Sonia; Schneider, Paula Helene; Houareau, Claudia; Wehrli, Silvan; Purnat, Tina D; Ishizumi, Atsuyoshi; Wilhelm, Elisabeth; Voegeli, Christopher; Wieler, Lothar H; Leuker, Christina in JMIR infodemiology (2023). 3 e43646.
  • Application areas of artificial intelligence in the context of One Health with a focus on antimicrobial resistance. Irrgang, Christopher; Eckmanns, Tim; Antão, Esther-Maria; Ladewig, K; Wieler, Lothar H; Körber, N; others in Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz (2023).
  • Secondary data for global health digitalisation. Näher, Anatol-Fiete; Vorisek, Carina N; Klopfenstein, Sophie AI; Lehne, Moritz; Thun, Sylvia; Alsalamah, Shada; Pujari, Sameer; Heider, Dominik; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Pigeot, Iris; others in The Lancet Digital Health (2023). 5(2) e93-e101.
  • Fostering Development in Midlife and Older Age: A Positive Psychology Perspective Crăciun, Irina Catrinel (2023). Springer Nature.


  • From hostile to benevolent ageism: Polarizing attitudes toward older adults in German COVID-19-related tweets. Dossing, Mille Viktoria; Crăciun, Irina Catrinel in The Gerontologist (2022). 62(8) 1185–1195.


  • Functioning of the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aavitsland, Preben; Aguilera, Ximena; Al-Abri, Seif Salem; Amani, Vincent; Aramburu, Carmen C; Attia, Thouraya A; Blumberg, Lucille H; Chittaganpitch, Malinee; Le Duc, James W; Li, Dexin; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The Lancet (2021). 398(10308) 1283–1287.
  • Disease surveillance for the COVID-19 era: time for bold changes. Morgan, Oliver W; Aguilera, Ximena; Ammon, Andrea; Amuasi, John; Fall, Ibrahima Socé; Frieden, Tom; Heymann, David; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Jeong, Eun-kyeong; Leung, Gabriel M; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The Lancet (2021). 397(10292) 2317–2319.
  • Socioeconomic differences in the risk of infection during the second SARS-CoV-2 wave in Germany. Hoebel, Jens; Michalski, Niels; Wachtler, Benjamin; Diercke, Michaela; Neuhauser, Hannelore; Wieler, Lothar H; Hövener, Claudia in Deutsches Ärzteblatt International (2021). 118(15) 269.
  • Public trust in institutions in the first half of the Corona pandemic: Findings from the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO) project. Eitze, Sarah; Felgendreff, Lisa; Korn, Lars; Sprengholz, Philipp; Allen, Jennifer; Jenny, Miriam A; Wieler, Lothar H; Thaiss, Heidrun; De Bock, Freia; Betsch, Cornelia in Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz (2021). 64 268–276.
  • A Comparison of Concept Embeddings for German Clinical Corpora. Rasheed, Aadil; Borchert, Florian; Kohlmeyer, Lasse; Henkenjohann, Richard; Schapranow, Matthieu-P. (2021). 2314–2321.


  • Associations of suicide rates with socioeconomic status and social isolation: Findings from longitudinal register and census data. Näher, Anatol-Fiete; Rummel-Kluge, Christine; Hegerl, Ulrich in Frontiers in psychiatry (2020). 10 898.
  • Living with the COVID-19 pandemic: act now with the tools we have. Bedford, Juliet; Enria, Delia; Giesecke, Johan; Heymann, David L; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Kobinger, Gary; Lane, H Clifford; Memish, Ziad A; Oh, Myoung-don; Ungchusak, Kumnuan; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The Lancet (2020). 396(10259) 1314–1316.
  • Monitoring behavioural insights related to COVID-19. Betsch, Cornelia; Wieler, Lothar H; Habersaat, Katrine in The Lancet (2020). 395(10232) 1255–1256.
  • COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic. Bedford, Juliet; Enria, Delia; Giesecke, Johan; Heymann, David L; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Kobinger, Gary; Lane, H Clifford; Memish, Ziad; Oh, Myoung-don; Schuchat, Anne; Wieler, Lothar H; others in The lancet (2020). 395(10229) 1015–1018.


  • Perceptions and attitudes regarding antibiotic resistance in Germany: a cross-sectoral survey amongst physicians, veterinarians, farmers and the general public. Schneider, Sandra; Salm, Florian; Vincze, Szilvia; Moeser, Anne; Petruschke, Inga; Schmücker, Katja; Ludwig, Norman; Hanke, Regina; Schröder, Christin; Gropmann, Alexander; Wieler, Lothar H; others in Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2018). 73(7) 1984–1988.
  • Antibiotic resistance, the 3As and the road ahead. Antão, Esther-Maria; Vincze, Szilvia; Hanke, Regina; Klimmek, Lukas; Suchecka, Katarzyna; Lübke-Becker, Antina; Wieler, Lothar H in Gut pathogens (2018). 10(1) 1–9.


  • Aging in precarious circumstances: do positive views on aging make a difference?. Crăciun, Irina Catrinel; Gellert, Paul; Flick, Uwe in The Gerontologist (2017). 57(3) 517–528.