A patent examiner needs domain-specific knowledge to classify a patent application according to its field of invention. Standardized classification schemes help to compare a patent application to previously granted patents and thereby check its novelty. Due to the large volume of patents, automatic patent classification would be highly beneficial to patent offices and other stakeholders in the patent domain. However, a challenge for the automation of this costly manual task is the patent-specific language use. To facilitate this task, we present domain-specific pre-trained word embeddings for the patent domain. We trained our model on a very large dataset of more than 5 million patents to learn the language use in this domain. We evaluated the quality of the resulting embeddings in the context of patent classification. To this end, we propose a deep learning approach based on gated recurrent units for automatic patent classification built on the trained word embeddings. Experiments on a standardized evaluation dataset show that our approach increases average precision for patent classification by 17 percent compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
Watch our new MOOC in German about hate and fake in the Internet ("Trolle, Hass und Fake-News: Wie können wir das Internet retten?") on openHPI (link).
Our work on Measuring and Comparing Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms for Robust Visualisation of Dynamic Text Collections will be presented at CHIIR 2021.
I added some photos from my trip to Hildesheim.
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