These platforms are made for collaboration of users and project management. They are by design dependent on storing and sharing of user-contributed data (any kind of files in SVN, Git and Trac; especially textual content in the Trac). Version control systems like Git and SVN are made for tracking all versions of contributed data, the Trac systems store all versions of wiki pages too.
All submitted data will be stored until we have no more storage capacity or the repository gets deleted. Repository means a Trac instance with an optional Git or SVN instance. Repository administrators are responsible for user and permission management. The setup restricts access to any data without a permitted account. One exception to this is the anonymous Trac access, which can be configured in the Trac permissions.
By default, the administrative staff have administrative access to the repositories to ease repository management. These permissions can be removed, but we would like them to be kept.
Deletion of owned repository can be requested by e-mail (provided it is trustworthy), but because repositories are bound to projects and/or research, we keep the right to finally decide, whether the content is still needed. Our infrastructure so should not be used for solely private content.
Git and SVN instances are usually accessed through non-browser based clients and even though you may never browse to the corresponding website using a browser, you are still accessing our repositories and servers in a similar way. Every action (like pull, push) will leave traces in our log files and because you have to log in, please read the section about non-public websites.
By design, Git and SVN are distributed services, meaning submitted content can be downloaded (pulled) and though leaves our systems and action range. Please be aware of the fact, that not all data will always be able to be deleted. The same states for single versions of data. You should not push private data you do not want to be shared. Take care about your personal data in commits (usually Name and E-Mail address) too, it might be impossible to delete it.
As good as possible and practicable, we try to protect your personal data rights.