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Ralf Krestel

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TempWeb 15

Learning Temporal Tagging Behaviour


Social networking services, such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter are commonly used to share relevant Web documents with a peer group. By sharing a document with her peers, a user recommends the content for others and annotates it with a short description text. This short description yield many chances for text summarization and categorization. Because today’s social networking platforms are real-time media, the sharing behaviour is subject to many temporal effects, i.e., current events, breaking news, and trending topics. In this paper, we focus on time-dependent hashtag usage of the Twitter community to annotate shared Web-text documents. We introduce a framework for time-dependent hashtag recommendation models and introduce two content-based models. Finally, we evaluate the introduced models with respect to recommendation quality based on a Twitter-dataset consisting of links to Web documents that were aligned with hashtags.

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