Pearls in Business Process Management (Sommersemester 2023)
Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske
(Business Process Technology)
Jonas Cremerius
(Business Process Technology)
Allgemeine Information
- Semesterwochenstunden: 4
- ECTS: 6
- Benotet:
- Einschreibefrist: 01.04.2023 - 07.05.2023
- Lehrform: Seminar
- Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul
- Lehrsprache: Englisch
Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module
- BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
- HPI-BPET-K Konzepte und Methoden
- BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
- HPI-BPET-S Spezialisierung
- BPET: Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
- HPI-BPET-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
- SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
- HPI-SAMT-K Konzepte und Methoden
- SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
- HPI-SAMT-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
- SAMT: Software Architecture & Modeling Technology
- HPI-SAMT-S Spezialisierung
- CODS: Complex Data Systems
- HPI-CODS-K Konzepte und Methoden
- CODS: Complex Data Systems
- HPI-CODS-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
- CODS: Complex Data Systems
- HPI-CODS-S Spezialisierung
- DAPP: Data Applications
- HPI-DAPP-K Konzepte und Werkzeuge
- DAPP: Data Applications
- HPI-DAPP-T Techniken und Werkzeuge
- DAPP: Data Applications
- HPI-DAPP-S Spezialisierung
Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline which accumulates knowledge from IT and management sciences and applies it to operational business processes. Due to its potential for significant increase in productivity and saving costs, BPM has received considerable attention over the last decades. This has resulted in an abundance of software which supports BPM. Such software is driven by explicit process designs to enact and manage operational business processes.
The main objective of the seminar is to provide the students with opportunities to study a selected direction of BPM in depth. The students will be offered to choose an article on BPM, a “Pearl”, which has a high citation index and which has got much attention from the community. For deepening the obtained knowledge and understanding the practical use of BPM approaches, the students will be asked to come up with a new use case for the approach described in the article.
Topics of the seminar include:
- Process Mining
- Process Choreographies
- Predictive Process Monitoring
- Concept Drift
- Knowledge-Intensive Processes
- Robotic Process Automation
The presentations and paper (pearls) can be found in the following folder: \\\lehrveranstaltungen\FG Business Process Technology\2023-SoSe Pearls in Business Process Management
The seminar is organized for Master students, who have a sufficient background in software programming. The seminar will be held in English.
Information regarding topics with its respective literature will be provided in the first lecture.
Lern- und Lehrformen
Following the introductory meeting, the seminar will proceed with the enrollment procedures and assigning topics to students. Apart from that, students will be given two presentations on the enhancement of their presentation skills and on writing a scientific paper.
For each student, individual supervisors - experts in the selected topics – will be appointed. Such approach will allow a flexible scheduling of meetings of supervisors and students, so that there will be no regular group meetings during the semester. At the end of semester, the students are expected to present the analysis of the paper and the results of their developed use case.
Participating students must present two presentations, submit a paper, and review two paper to pass the seminar.
Technical presentation 19%
Final presentation 20%
Paper submission 51%
Paper reviews 10%
April 17th: Seminar introduction + Topic presentation
April 24th: Topic application deadline
April 24th: Introduction to scientific presentations
April 26th: Introduction to scientific writing
June: Technical presentation
July: Final presentation
July 28th: Paper submission deadline
August 4th: Paper review deadline