Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry II - Information for the Mobile Manager (Wintersemester 2010/2011)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner (Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts)
Website zum Kurs: http://epic.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/Home/TrendsAndConceptsII2011

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 29.10.2010
  • Lehrform:
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul


  • IT-Systems Engineering MA


This seminar will be held in a Stanford-like teaching approach. The course is composed of two interwoven parts: Technological discussions and a design project.

The idea is to look into immutable concepts illustrated by real world examples. Topics related to the contents of Prof. Plattner's lecture "Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry I" will be taken up and reflected on. The participation in "Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry I" is recommended as a preparation for this seminar, but is not mandatory.

From the design perspective, topics include the design thinking process, innovation and prototyping methodologies, need finding, human factors, and team dynamics. Participants experience a hands-on project embedded in the technological topics of this course.

This years topic of the hands-on project, also called the design thinking challenge, is the question of how we might support the mobile manager in accessing and selecting the relevant information he needs to efficiently and effectively make decisions.

The seminar schedule consists of the following:

  • We start with a design thinking workshop at the beginning of December where the basics of the design thinking methodology will be taught and applied in the context of our challenge. Students will experience a fast forward move through the design thinking process thereby establishing confidence in this process to go out to real managers and conduct interviews.
  • The above mentioned interviews and following brainstorming, fact finding and prototyping sessions will be scheduled individually per team and compose the second part of the seminar.
  • The third and final part of the seminar comprises the block lecture with Hasso Plattner where ideas and prototypes will be tested through more interview sessions and finalized.


Having attended the "Trends and Concepts I" lecture is recommended but not required.


Lern- und Lehrformen

Participants will

  • enhance their creativity while working in teams,
  • get insights into and apply the design thinking methodology,
  • improve their presentation skills,
  • get in contact with managers of companies and establish interview skills.


During the block lecture several team presentations and discussions will be held. The grade of the seminar will be determined by

  • engagement to discussions, the project and team work (20%),
  • viability, feasibility, and desirability of project results (30%),
  • intermediate presentations (20%), and the
  • final presentation (30%).


NOTE: Enrollment in the D-School trial lesson and this seminar at the same time is not possible as parts of the two courses overlap. If you are interested in the D-School trial lesson, we propose to take the D-School trial lesson in the next semester.


  • Introductory session: approx. 45 minutes on Tuesday, 19.10.2010, 9:15am, SNB E-9/10
  • Design thinking workshop: Tue., 30.11. - Wed., 1.12.2010, 9 am - approx. 5 pm at D-School, SNB Hasso Plattner High-Tech Park
  • Block seminar: 5 days, 14.2. - 18.2.2011 (this date may still change)
  • Group work on individual schedule in December and January, meetings with tutors as needed (SNB E-9/10 can be used as workspace on Tuesdays from 9:15-10:45am)
