Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Complex Event Processing (Wintersemester 2012/2013)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske (Business Process Technology) , Andreas Rogge-Solti (Business Process Technology)
Website zum Kurs: http://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/Public/BPT-Masterseminar-WS201213_2

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2
  • ECTS: 3
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 1.10.2012 - 31.10.2012
  • Lehrform: Seminar
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

IT-Systems Engineering BA


Today’s organizations strive to evaluate their executed processes with respect to usage, performance and conformance using process monitoring and process analysis techniques. During the execution of business processes data is produced and several events occur that are valuable for gaining insights about the processes and their execution. Utilizing these events for different purposes is the discipline of "Complex Event Processing". According to the Event Processing Glossary (Vers. 2.0) compiled by David Luckham & W. Roy Schulte (http://www.complexevents.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/EPTS_Event_Processing_Glossary_v2.pdf) complex event processing is the "computing that performs operations on complex events, including reading, creating, transforming, abstracting, or discarding them."

In the seminar we will impart basic knowledge about Complex Event Processing. Based on that the students will work on a specific topic (see below) and present their results in a 20 minutes talk (+10 minutes for discussion) as well as in a scientific paper (max. 10 pages). To enable the students for holding scientic presentations and writting papers two lectures will take place.


  • D. Luckham. The Power of Events - An Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise Systems. ISBN 0201727897. 2010.
  • O. Etzion, P. Niblett. Event Processing in Action. ISBN 9781935182214. 2011.

Additional literature is mentioned alongside the topic or is provided directly by a topic's supervisor.

Lern- und Lehrformen

This seminar is about independent work of the student personally supervised by a member of the research group depending on the topic chosen by the student in the beginning of the seminar.

The following topics can be chosen:

B1 - Shape of an Event

B2 - Ordering of Events in Distributed Systems

B3 - Complex Events and Event Hierarchies

B4 - Classification of Event Patterns

B5 - Evaluation of Event Processing Languages

P1 - Integration of Business Process Management Systems and Complex Event Processing Systems

P2 - Deferred Recording of Events

P3 - Performance in Stream Processing

P4 - Complex Event Processing in the Presence of Uncertainty

P5 - Monitoring Events between two Process Model Nodes

A1 - Using Events for Monitoring Business Process Interaction

A2 - A Repository for Healthcare Process Events

A3 - Using Healthcare Process Events for Process Mining

A4 - Multi Instance Activity Pattern Processing

A5 - Behavioral Rules Generation from Business Process Models


Please send an e-mail with a ranked list of three topics to Nico(dot)Herzberg(at)hpi(dot)uni-potsdam(dot)de by Monday, 12th November 2012.


Grading includes the (active) participation in the seminar during the presentation sessions, the final presenation, and the written paper.


8. November 2012, 15.15 Uhr in A-2.2 - Opening Presentation/Presentation of Topics

14. November 2012 - Registration Deadline

November 2012 - Lecture: How to make a scientific presentation

November 2012 - Lecture: How to write a scientific paper

December 2012 - Presentation: Complex Event Processing Basics

End of lecture time - Final Presentation

February 2013 - Final Paper Submission
