Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Softwaretechnik II (Wintersemester 2013/2014)

Dozent: Dr. Matthias Uflacker , Keven Richly (Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts)
Website zum Kurs: https://epic.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/Home/SoftwaretechnikII2013

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 1.10.2013 - 31.10.2013
  • Lehrform: Vorlesung
  • Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

IT-Systems Engineering BA


The software industry is more and more pressed towards fast time-to-market and short development cycles. Putting it in other words, if a piece of software is not finished at a certain point in time, it can have negative effects on the companies performance.

Given the fact that a team is limited to a certain number of people and can thus only build a product of a (relatively) fixed size, multiple teams have to collaborate and work on large software projects together. This, of course, leads to a certain overhead.

In Software Engineering 2, you shall learn how to conduct software development in a multi-team setting. We want to prepare you for a situation where you are in a leading position and responsible for a large piece of software. Thus, you shall learn methods, concepts, and technologies that help you to successfully deliver large software in a multiple team setting.


Software Engineering I


  • Lecture materials will be made available shortly after the lectures.

Lern- und Lehrformen

The participants will be forming teams of 5-8 people. All teams will work collaboratively on the same tasks, which is the requirements engineering, design, and implementation of an Online Platform for Student Assistant Jobs.

If the number of participants is too low (i.e. < 10 people), only a single development team will be formed and focus will shift towards scalability of the developed application.

We will teach you how to apply the Scrum methodology in a multi-team setting. If possible, the teams will be formed according to the bachelor project assignments in order to leverage the existing infrastructure. In the course of the semester, you will conduct 4 sprints à 3 weeks. 

The theory taught in the lecture can directly be applied in the accompanying exercise. This course focuses more on the methods and concepts and less on the actual result.

After this course, the following learning targets (LT) should be achieved.

LT 1: Scrum

As a student, I know the elements of Scrum and I am familiar with planning meetings, daily Scrums, sprint reviews, sprint retrospectives, and estimation meetings.

LT 2: Scrum in a multiple team setting

As a student, I know how I can scale Scrum with the help of Scrum-of-Scrums and planning-of-plannings.

LT 3: Behaviour-driven and test-driven development (BDD and TDD)

As a student, I know the advantages of BDD and TDD and I use both methods appropriately.

LT 4: Source code management (SCM) using Git

As a student, I know the different SCM concepts. In particular, I am familiar with Git while branching as well as merging became natural activities in my personal software development process.

LT 5: Ruby on Rails

As a student, I know the architecture and concepts of Ruby on Rails and can apply them to fulfill the requirements stated to me and my team.

LT 6: Continuous integration (CI)

As a student, I never want to develop software without CI again because, together with BDD and TDD, this gives me the assurance that my software is validated and that all tested functionality is correct.

LT 7: Self-assessment with regards to your role in a team

As a student, I know how I can contribute to help my team performing as good as possible.


The final grading is determined by 

  • introductory Ruby on Rails exercise (no grade, completion mandatory), 
  • oral exam (30%, individual mark). if the number of participants exceeds 30 students, a written exam will replace the oral one.
  • usage of presented methods and concepts such as Scrum, BDD, TDD, SCM, and CI (45%, team mark) 
  • software development results (25%, team mark) 
  • if work is not distributed equally amongst team members, individual adjustments of the marks are possible


Fridays, 11:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00; additional group and team meetings

Room: HS 3
