Global Team-Based Product Innovation & Engineering I, ME 310 (Wintersemester 2014/2015)
Dr. Matthias Uflacker
Franziska Dobrigkeit
(Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts)
Website zum Kurs:
Allgemeine Information
- Semesterwochenstunden: 4
- ECTS: 6
- Benotet:
- Einschreibefrist:
- Lehrform: SP
- Belegungsart: Wahlpflichtmodul
Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module
- Business Process & Enterprise Technologies
- Human Computer Interaction & Computer Graphics Technology
- IT-Systems Engineering A
- IT-Systems Engineering B
- IT-Systems Engineering C
- IT-Systems Engineering D
- IT-Systems Engineering Analyse
Students have to apply for the course until August 15 2014, 11:59pm CEST. A maximum of 4 students per available project can participate in the course. Number of projects can vary between years.
See for further details about the application process.
The participants will be evaluated based on their participation in the weekly meetings of the course. These meetings are mandatory and structured as follows:
- A 3-min pitch about the activities of the previous week and plans for the following week
- 17min discussion with the teaching team about the project topic
- 20min internal discussion (with optional Teaching Team participation) about organisational topics
The 3-min pitch is given by one team member per week. Which team member is giving the talk is determined by a round-robin scheduling. The pitch can be supported by using pictures from a mandatory photo diary that the students need to keep during the project but no bullet point powerpoint slides are allowed. Each presentation is rated by the teaching team based both regarding the content (What has the team done in the last week?) and the quality of the presentation (information density, clarity of the presentation, expressiveness of the accompanying pictures). In addition to the weekly pitch-presentations, the teams will be required to present their prototypes according to the deadlines stated in the course calendar. These presentations represent group efforts and require active participation by all team members. Powerpoint slides can be used, but only to support the presentation of a physical prototype, not to replace it. Prototype presentations without the presence of a physical prototype (running software does count as a physical prototype) will be postponed to the following week. Presentation duration is limited to 8 minutes. In addition to the presentations, the students are required to provide documentation for their work at the beginning of December, end of March, and mid-June (exact deadlines are tbd).
Weekly meetings will be scheduled with the participants at the begin of the semester. Throughout the previous years, they took place each Thursday, 16.00-18.00 Room E-U 1.1/1.2
A kickoff workshop for the course takes place on September 29 and 30. Further appointments will be announced throughout this workshop.