
Community Building Workshop Spring 2018

HPI Design Thingking Research Project 10 years

In September, researchers from Stanford and HPI met in Potsdam for the final Community Workshop, marking the end of this 10th year of the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program. On top of presentations by this year’s research teams, the group enjoyed a guest lecture on Design Thinking in organizations by program alum Holger Rhinow, visited the Human-Computer-Interaction Lab with Prof. Baudisch, and experienced how Design Thinking is connected to the techniques of impro theater in a hands on workshop. The community gathering started with a symposium exploring neurological and physiological perspective on Design Thinking, with guest speakers from Chicago, Bologna, Stanford, Potsdam and Berlin. 

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HPI Design Thingking Research Project 1
HPI Design Thingking Research Project 2
HPI Design Thingking Research Project 3
HPI Design Thingking Research Project 4
HPI Design Thingking Research Project 5