HPI Connect lädt zum "HPI meets..." SR Labs am 10. Dezember 2018 ab 17.15 Uhr zu dem Thema "Driving IT security evolution through impactful research". Die Referenten sind Fabian Bräunlein, Security Researcher / Consultant, Balthasar Martin, Security Researcher und Kollegen von SR Labs.
Im Anschluss gibt es wie immer ein kleines Get-Together mit den Referenten. Für unsere Planung bitten wir um vorherige Anmeldung.
Abstract des Talks
Individuals in a digital world need protection. The most impactful IT security research identifies, and closes, vulnerabilities that affect a large portion of the public. Join hackers from Security Research Labs as we discuss our work to make critical technical platforms more secure for everyone. Specifically, we will talk about how we exposed fundamental flaws in mobile phone networks in order to help prevent eavesdropping and user tracking. Then we will discuss hacking EC payment terminals to highlight the potential for fraudulent transactions. And in closing, we will also share stories about ourselves and how we became professional hackers, discuss IT security research mentoring programs we offer, and how you might fit into our team.