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Startup Talks @ HPI: Orderbird

Lecture V: "Crossing the Chasm - How Innovations Make the Leap into the Mass Market"

Patrick Brienen, Co-Founder & CRO of orderbird, will share his insights from orderbird's challenges and success to disrupt the restaurant industry alongside Geoffrey A. Moore's theory "Crossing the Chasm". The multi-awarded startup orderbird – winner of the first HPI business plan award 2010 – managed to enter the mass market with an innovative iOS POS system in a time when apps where seen mostly as entertainment. In his talk Patrick Brienen will show which steps it took to overcome the chasm between early adopters and the mass market, what role marketing and sales played and that even legal regulations are a chance for startups.

After the talk there will be an informal get-together with craft beer, snacks and the opportunity to discuss further questions with the speaker. Please note that the event will be recorded and the video will be published subsequently.

The event is for HPI students, staff and alumni only. The number of participants is limited. Please register here if you want to participate.


About the Speaker

Patrick Brienen is one of the orderbird founders and as Chief Revenue Officer he is responsible for the growth of orderbird through the channels sales, marketing and partner management. Patrick was born in 1984 in Johannesburg in South Africa. He studied "International Business" in Innsbruck and Sydney. During this time he worked for NOKIA Siemens networks in B2B sales and discovered his entrepreneurial spirit by starting his first startup in the event industry. Before founding orderbird, he worked at Pascher und Heinz Sportsmarketing as Project Manager for companies like adidas and RedBull. In his free time, Patrick enjoys chasing waves and snow across all continents.