Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle

Dr. Robin P. G. Tech

Affiliated Researcher

E-Mail: robin.tech@hpi.uni-potsdam.de

External Profiles: LinkedIn

Short Profile

Robin P. G. Tech is an affiliated researcher at HPI’s Digital Engineering faculty (IT-Entrepreneurship). Prior to this, he served as head of the IoT research group at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and as senior researcher at WZB’s Digital Mobility group.

His PhD was co-financed by Google Research, and included research at MIT, Humboldt Institute, and University of St. Gallen. Robin studied economics, engineering, and sociology in Friedrichshafen, Stockholm, and Hong Kong. His research focuses on the application complex systems theory and new institutional economics to emerging technical systems.

He’s also founder and managing director of the AI-startup delphai (www.delphai.com).


  • Schmeiss, J., Hoelzle, K., & Tech, R. P. G. (2019). Designing governance mechanisms in platform ecosystems — Addressing the paradox of openness through blockchain technology. California Management Review, 1–23.

  • Tech, R. P. G. (2018). Financing high-tech startups. Using productive signaling to efficiently overcome the liability of complexity. Cham: Springer Nature.

  • Damrau, L., Hunsicker, F., Ruhrort, L., Scherf, C., & Tech, R. P. G. (2018). Mobilitätsmonitor Nr. 6 – Mai 2018. Personenverkehrsmarkt, Verkehrswende, PKW-Bestand, ÖPNV, Bikesharing, Carsharing, E-Mobilität. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 70 (2), p. 70-73.

  • Tech, R. P. G., Kahlert, J., & Schmeiss, J. (2018). Blockchain-enabled open business models: New means to shared value capturing? In T. Redlich et al. (Eds.), Co-creation – Reshaping business and society in the era of bottom-up economics. Basel: Springer.

  • Tech, R. P. G. (2018). Startup financing in Berlin. In N. Richter et al. (Eds.), Entrepreneurial innovation and leadership. Cham: Palgrave.

  • Tech, R. P. G., Neumann, K., & Michel, W. (2017). Limits of inter-firm collaboration & trust in smart factory systems. Berlin: IoT & Trust, Alexander von Humboldt Institute. 

  • Tech R. P. G., Ferdinand, J-P., & Dopfer, M. (2016). Open source hardware startups and their communities. In J.-P. Ferdinand et al. (Eds.), The decentralized and networked future of value creation. Heidelberg: Springer.