Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle
Henrik Rackow

Henrik Rackow

External PhD Candidate

E-Mail: henrik.rackow(at)ime.uni-potsdam.de

External Profiles: LinkedIn

Short Profile

Henrik Rackow is an external doctoral student mid 2019. He is investigating the role of start-ups for established companies in identifying and realizing new market opportunities. He focuses on the German food industry and examines its specific framework conditions. In this context, he observes in particular collaboration models of large companies and start-ups. Overall, the research work lies between Corporate Entrepreneurship, Open Innovation and Strategy.

Henrik first studied Business Administration at the University of Göttingen and completed his bachelor's degree in marketing and distribution management in 2015. In 2017, he subsequently completed the international Master's programme in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the Technical University of Berlin with a scholarship at the University of Virginia. During his studies, he gained practical experience at a management consultancy, an automotive group and in private banking. He was also one of the first employees to work for one of the fastest growing start-ups in Germany.

After his studies, he managed innovation and validation projects in various industries for several digital consultancies. His food startup, co-founded in 2018, was taken over by a multinational coffee manufacturer at the beginning of 2019. Currently, he is managing director at the consultancy and venture builder Hungry Ventures.


  • Rackow, Henrik & Halecker, Bastian. (2020). Kombinatorische Intelligenz als wichtige Kompetenz eines Entrepreneurs. In: Perspektiven des Entrepreneurships, Publisher: Katharina Hölzle, Victor Tiberius, Heike Surrey.
  • Halecker, Bastian & Hartmann, Matthias & Hölzle, Katharina & Rackow, Henrik. (2019). Category Creation im Kontext digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. In: Digitale Geschäftsmodelle, Publisher: Springer.