Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle
[Translate to Englisch:] Sophie Petzolt

Sophie Petzolt (née Glombik), M.Sc.

Research Associate, Doctoral Candidate

E-Mail: sophie.petzolt(at)hpi.de

Phone: +49 (0)331 5509 4934

Room: G-1.E.13/14

External Profiles: LinkedIn, XING, Twitter

Short Profile

Sophie Petzolt (née Glombik) is a PhD candidate and research assistant at the Research Group IT-Entrepreneurship at the Hasso Plattner Institute. Prior to this, she worked at the Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (IME) at the University of Potsdam. Her research interest concerns the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Sophie Petzolt is writing her doctoral thesis as part of the BMWi-funded research project _gemeinsam digital, supporting the digital transformation of small and medium sized enterprises.

She studied International Business Administration at the European University Viadrina (B.Sc.) and Business Administration at the University of Potsdam (M.Sc.). Her majors comprise innovation management, HR management, and organizational studies. Sophie studied abroad at the Loughborough University (UK) and worked as an intern at the Representation of Brandenburg to the European Union in Brussels. After her studies, she worked for two years as a Business Partner at BASF SE. Her professional experience encompasses controlling, project management, and internal consulting.


  • Hölzle K., Gerhardt F., Kalischewski N., Petzolt S., Kullik O. (2019) Personal digital – Wie ein KMU in einer kaum digitalisierten Branche eine digitale Strategie entwickelt und Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für sich nutzt. In: Bosse C., Zink K. (eds) Arbeit 4.0 im Mittelstand. Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  • Glombik, S., Hölzle, K. (2019). Wege Zu Mehr Kreativem Arbeiten. Methoden Und Techniken Für Kreative Ideen Und Radikale Innovationen. In Das Geschäftsmodell-Toolbook Für Digitale Ökosysteme. Campus Verlag, Berlin, pp. 24–33.

  • Glombik, S., Schröder, A., Katharina Hölzle (2018) Does the Digital Transformation Need a Chief Digital Officer? In 19th International CINet Conference. Dublin.

  • Glombik, S., Schröder, A., Hölzle, K. (2018) Chief Digital Officer – Key To A Successful Digital Transformation?! In 22. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz Zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation Und Mittelstand. Stuttgart.

  • Glombik, S. (2018) Formal And Informal Roles – Key To A Successful Digital Transformation. In PhD Seminar 19th International CINet Conference. pp. 1–23.

  • Glombik, S., Kullik, O., Katharina Hölzle (2017) Mapping The Multitude Of Digital Maturity Models. In 18th International CINet Conference. Potsdam.

  • Glombik, S., Kullik, O., Hölzle, K. (2017) The Landscape of Maturity Models for Digital Transformation. In 21. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz Zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation Und Mittelstand. Wuppertal.