
Paper Reading Sessions – June

Paper Reading Sessions | every Wednesday | online | 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Our weekly Paper Reading Sessions are aimed at AI users, data scientists and software engineers. These sessions cover the latest developments in automatic natural language processing, computer vision and other related fields.

In our Paper Reading Sessions we discuss a collection on foundational papers on machine learning alongside the newest and most impactful advancements. We are open to suggestions and feedback from the community.

Session details will be shared in advance in our AI Maker Community on Slack.


Session language: English, with possible provisions for German speakers

Details will be shared in advance on our AI Maker Community Website as well as in our AI Maker Community on Slack.


Please register on Eventbrite for the individual sessions.

AI Maker Community

Future Paper Reading Workshops

By joining the AI Maker Community on Slack, you can take part in weekly hands-on workshops and paper readings. We also provide monthly research summaries and developments, and the opportunity to network with other AI enthusiasts.