The goal of representation learning is to transform complex, usually high-dimensional data (e.g. images) into more compact feature representations. These should capture characteristics of the data samples on higher levels of abstractions. However, these representations are usually not easy to interpret. This is especially true in unsupervised settings, where no labels are available.
In a disentangled representation each of the learned features should independently correspond to a separate factor of variation of the data. Ideally one would want to uncover the set of ground truth causal factors. It is believed that such representations should be easier to analyse and draw conclusions from. They should also prove more useful when utilized in further tasks.
The leading approach in deep learning is to utilize the Variational Autoencoders framework, imposing prior assumptions on the posterior distribution of the model. Recent work showed that these methods are sensitive to hyperparameter choices and fail to yield consistent results.
In my research I want to investigate alternative approaches to this problem. The first direction I chose to follow is the use of a different family of models, namely Generative Adversarial Networks. While they have been proven successful in a variety of data generation tasks, their applications in representation learning remain understudied.