Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Machine Learning Seminar (Wintersemester 2023/2024)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lippert (Digital Health - Machine Learning) , Sumit Shekhar

General Information

  • Weekly Hours: 4
  • Credits: 6
  • Graded: yes
  • Enrolment Deadline: 01.10.2023 - 31.10.2023
  • Examination time §9 (4) BAMA-O: 01.03.2024
  • Teaching Form: Project / Seminar
  • Enrolment Type: Compulsory Elective Module
  • Course Language: English
  • Maximum number of participants: 10

Programs, Module Groups & Modules

IT-Systems Engineering BA


This seminar consists of semester-long research projects. The projects span topics from core machine learning research, such as generative models, uncertainty quantification, and interpretability; as well as applications in the biomedical and health sciences, such as epidemiological N-of-1 trials, genetics, and medical imaging. Students are expected to work closely with their individual supervisors (PhD students and PostDocs at the Digital Health - Machine Learning group), make substantial progress on their task, and give a presentation at the end of the semester. Especially successful projects may additionally lead to the publication of a scientific paper.

Students are required to have good coding skills (language will depend on the topic, but mostly Python and R) and have at least a basic understanding of modern machine learning, e.g. through the Deep Learning lecture at HPI or similar online courses.

project list link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16mk24Q0JCdwOfsE0iodwnH9MVuOJoNDv7x4_f_HvC7A/edit?usp=sharing

We will have a Kick-off event on 18 October, 4-5pm in G1.E15/16

If you can't make it to the kick-off meeting but still want to participate in the seminar or if you have any other questions related to the seminar, feel free to contact Sumit (sumit.shekhar(at)hpi.de)


Precise requirements differ between the different research projects. In all cases, basic skills in machine learning/deep learning and/or statistics are highly preferred.


project list link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16mk24Q0JCdwOfsE0iodwnH9MVuOJoNDv7x4_f_HvC7A/edit?usp=sharing


Students will work on a project for the course, and the seminar will end with a short presentation and/or a short written report. Details to follow.


Kick-off event on 18 October, 4-5pm in G1.E15/16

Zoom meeting Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 0114 0876
Passcode: 853479

If you can't make it to the kick-off meeting but still want to participate in the seminar or if you have any other questions related to the seminar, feel free to contact Sumit (sumit.shekhar(at)hpi.de)
