Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Gregor Lagodzinski

This is an archived page of a former group member.

Research Interests

Originally being a mathematician my interests are tending towards more abstract concepts like

  • Graph Theory
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Analytic and Algebraic Combinatorics

I enjoy utilizing the abstract way of thinking to tackle more concrete problems. For instance,

  • Complexity of Counting Problems
  • Structural properties of Graph Families
  • Privacy & Security in real world database applications
  • Random Graphs and Networks
  • Evolutionary Algorithms.


Fun Facts

The golden ratio is not always nice to have. The clock-scheme for the visualization of continuous fractions due to L.R. Ford gives for the golden ratio the result you can find on the left hand side. Taking the numbers mod 12 results in a clock, that might prevent you from calling it a day!


For a list of all my publications, see my dblp-entry.

For a list of all my peer-reviewed publications, see below.

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Current advisory tasks


Past advisory tasks

I have been an advisor for the chairs Project Seminar in 2021 "Fault Tolerant Algorithms"

I have been an advisor for the chairs Master Project in 2019 "Asymmetries in the Travelling Salesman Problem"

I have been a supervisor for the chairs Bachelor Project in 2016/17 "Efficient Shortest Paths on Portable Devices".

Advised Bachelor Theses
  • Arthur Zahn - ""Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Time Series Compression by Piecewise Linear Approximation"; together with Tobias Friedrich and Manuel Rizzo
  • Fabian Sommer - "Shortest Paths on a Tile-Divided Map - Changing Node Priorities Based on The Accessibility of Tiles"; together with Tobias Friedrich and Martin S. Krejca
  • Thomas Feldtkeller - "Analysis of routing algorithms on tiled map data"; together with Tobias Friedrich and Ralf Rothenberger
  • Justin Robert Trautmann - "Cache Replacement of Strategies for Routing Algorithms on Tiled Maps"; together with Tobias Friedrich and Martin S. Krejca


As a Lecturer

As a Teaching Assistant

As a Tutor

Short CV


June 2008: German high school degree (Abitur) from Schadow Gymnasium Berlin, Germany

Oct. 2008 - Sept. 2012: Undergraduate studies in mathematics at FU Berlin, Germany

Feb. 2013: Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics

Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2016: Graduate studies in mathematics at FU Berlin, Germany

Oct. 2015: Master of Science degree in mathematics


Aug. 2011 - July 2013: Student Assistant in the ERC Advanced Grant Project SDModels at the chair for Discrete Geometry at FU Berlin, Germany.

Starting 2016: Ph.D. student and researcher at the chair for Algorithm Engineering at HPI Potsdam, Germany

Mar. 2020 - June 2020: Internship at SAP ICN Potsdam, Germany

Feb. 2021 - May 2022: External worker at SAP, Germany