Class OracleDatabase

  extended by de.hpi.fgis.dude.database.adapter.Database
      extended by de.hpi.fgis.dude.database.adapter.OracleDatabase
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OracleDatabase
extends Database

OracleDatabase encapsulates all the necessary information for establishing a connection to an Oracle database.

CAUTION! This Database implementation can be used with Oracle's Thin drivers only (if you are using OCI drivers, you will have to implement your own Database adapter class). DuDe cannot offer this library due to licensing issues. In order to connect DuDe with an Oracle database, you have to download the library and add it to your classpath manually. The driver can be found on the following homepage:

Be aware of that this class does only support the JDBC Thin driver!

Uwe Draisbach

Constructor Summary
OracleDatabase(DBInfo dbInfo)
          Initializes the OracleDatabase instance members and loads the settings provided by the parameter dbInfo.
OracleDatabase(InputStream iStream)
          Initializes the OracleDatabase using the passed InputStream.
OracleDatabase(Properties prop)
          Initializes the OracleDatabase using the passed Properties.
Method Summary
 String getDatabaseDriverName()
          Returns the Driver's name used for loading the Driver class.
 String getJDBCString()
          Returns the JDBC String which can be used for representing a connection to this database.
Methods inherited from class de.hpi.fgis.dude.database.adapter.Database
createConnection, equals, getDatabaseName, getHost, getPort, getSQLSchema, loadDatabaseInformation, loadDatabaseInformation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OracleDatabase(DBInfo dbInfo)
Initializes the OracleDatabase instance members and loads the settings provided by the parameter dbInfo.

dbInfo - Information needed for establishing a connection to this database.


public OracleDatabase(InputStream iStream)
Initializes the OracleDatabase using the passed InputStream. The information provided by this stream has to convertible into a Properties instance.

iStream - The InputStream that provides the connection information.


public OracleDatabase(Properties prop)
Initializes the OracleDatabase using the passed Properties.

prop - The Properties instance that provides the connection information.
Method Detail


public String getDatabaseDriverName()
Description copied from class: Database
Returns the Driver's name used for loading the Driver class. The corresponding library has to be added to the build path.

Specified by:
getDatabaseDriverName in class Database
The Driver class name which is used for the database connection.


public String getJDBCString()
Description copied from class: Database
Returns the JDBC String which can be used for representing a connection to this database.

Specified by:
getJDBCString in class Database
The JDBC String for this database connection.

Copyright © 2011 Hasso Plattner Institute - Chair of Information Systems. All Rights Reserved.