Package de.hpi.fgis.dude.exec.duplicatedetection

Contains runnable test classes dealing with AbstractDuplicateDetection implementations.


Class Summary
AdaptiveSNMExec_Yan2007 This execution class runs the AdaptiveSNM_Yan2007 algorithm.
CDExec This execution class runs the naive duplicate detection algorithm on the CD data source.
CoraExec This execution class runs the naive duplicate detection algorithm on the CORA data source.
DuplicateCountSNMExec Executes the DuplicateCountSNM.
ExperimentExec The execution class for the Experiment class.
GMDEvaluationExec_CORA GMDEvaluationExec_CORA is an example experiment for the usage of the ExtendedStatisticComponent.
GMDEvaluationExec_Restaurant GMDEvaluationExec_Restaurant is an example experiment for the usage of the ExtendedStatisticComponent.
GSwooshExec This execution class runs the GSwoosh duplicate detection algorithm on the Restaurant data source.
HugePersonDataTestExecClass Executes a run using a large data file with the SortedNeighborhoodMethod.
LegoExec The execution class for the Lego algorithm.
RestaurantExec This execution class runs the naive duplicate detection algorithm on the Restaurant data source.
RSwooshExec This execution class runs the RSwoosh duplicate detection algorithm on the Restaurant data source.
SortedBlocksExec Example experiment for the SortedBlocks algorithm.
SortedNeighborhoodMethodExec The execution class for the SortedNeighborhoodMethod algorithm.
TFIDFExperimentExec Executes a run using a large data file with the SortedNeighborhoodMethod and preprocessing for the tf-idf comparator.

Package de.hpi.fgis.dude.exec.duplicatedetection Description

Contains runnable test classes dealing with AbstractDuplicateDetection implementations.

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