Class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator

  extended by de.hpi.fgis.dude.postprocessor.WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator
extends Object
implements Iterable<DuDeObjectPair>

WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator implements the Warshall algorithm to calculate the transitive closure. The goal of the algorithm is to create the transitive closure of a directed graph. It creates a n x n matrix in which each element (i,j) describes whether there is an edge from element i to element j. As we have an undirected graph, we only have to save the edges in one half of the matrix. The graph can be implemented as an adjacency matrix (array of bitsets) or as an adjacency list (map of sets). The original algorithm was published in Stephen Warshall: A Theorem on Boolean Matrices. In: Journal of the ACM 9, 1962, 1, ISSN 0004-5411, S. 11–12.

Uwe Draisbach

Nested Class Summary
protected  class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyList
          WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyList is the adjacency list representation of the added pairs.
protected  class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyMatrix
          WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyMatrix is the matrix representation of the added pairs.
protected  class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.GraphRepresentation
          WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.GraphRepresentation is an interface that should be implemented by all classes representing a graph of duplicates.
 class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.IntPair
          WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.IntPair is used to create a pair of integer values.
protected  class WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.TransitiveClosureIterator
          WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.TransitiveClosureIterator is used to iterate over all pairs collected or generated by the WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void add(DuDeObjectPair pair)
          Adds a pair to the WarshallClosureGenerator.
 void enableAdjacencyListRepresentation()
          Uses a WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyList to represent the graph.
 void enableAdjacencyMatrixRepresentation()
          Uses a WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyMatrix to represent the graph.
 Iterator<DuDeObjectPair> iterator()
 void printGraph()
          Prints the current graph as a matrix on the standard output
 void reset()
          Resets the settings of the current WarshallClosureGenerator.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator()
Method Detail


public void add(DuDeObjectPair pair)
Adds a pair to the WarshallClosureGenerator.

pair - The pair that shall be added.


public Iterator<DuDeObjectPair> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<DuDeObjectPair>


public void enableAdjacencyMatrixRepresentation()
Uses a WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyMatrix to represent the graph.


public void enableAdjacencyListRepresentation()
Uses a WarshallTransitiveClosureGenerator.AdjacencyList to represent the graph.


public void reset()
Resets the settings of the current WarshallClosureGenerator.


public void printGraph()
Prints the current graph as a matrix on the standard output

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