
Contains all the classes dealing with the actual data storage (in-memory or file-based).


Interface Summary
AutoJsonable Tag interface for classes which can be stored into Json and restored from it.
Jsonable Jsonable can be used by classes whose instances shall be Json-convertible.

Class Summary
DuDeObject DuDeObject encapsulates the data of the original object and two ids (for the source and a local one) for identifying each DuDeObject.
DuDeObjectId DuDeObjectId encapsulates the identifying information of each DuDeObject.
DuDeObjectPair DuDeObjectPair is an extension of the OrderedPair class, that encapsulates pairs of DuDeObjects.

Enum Summary
DuDeObjectPair.DuplicateType DuDeObjectPair.DuplicateType declares all possible values for the is-duplicate property.
DuDeObjectPair.GeneratedBy DuDeObjectPair.GeneratedBy declares the possible values for the lineage property.

Package Description

Contains all the classes dealing with the actual data storage (in-memory or file-based).

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