Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich


Three papers accepted at AAMAS

The International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) is the most influential venue for research on behavior that emerges from the interaction between multiple agents. Authors of the Algorithm Engineering group contribute three papers to the 2022 edition, which will be held completely virtually on May 9-13, hosted by the University of Auckland. The first two papers both originate from Jannik Peters' master thesis on the complexity of popular matchings, which he wrote under the supervision of Ágnes Cseh. The third paper is the result of a collaboration within our research unit on Algorithms, Dynamics, and Information Flow in Networks with colleagues at Hamburg University, Goethe University Frankfurt, and the University of Bremen. It discusses the convergence time of opinion dynamics on social networks with asynchronous agent activations.

  • Three-Dimensional Popular... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Peters, Jannik Three-Dimensional Popular Matching with Cyclic PreferencesAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 77–87
  • Pareto Optimal and Popula... - Download
    Cseh, Ágnes; Friedrich, Tobias; Peters, Jannik Pareto Optimal and Popular House Allocation with Lower and Upper QuotasAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 300–308
  • Asynchronous Opinion Dyna... - Download
    Berenbrink, Petra; Hoefer, Martin; Kaaser, Dominik; Lenzner, Pascal; Rau, Malin; Schmand, Daniel Asynchronous Opinion Dynamics in Social NetworksAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) 2022: 109–117