Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI
Hasso-Plattner-Institut25 Jahre HPI

Introduction to IT Systems (Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (Internet-Technologien und -Systeme) , Dr. Anne Kayem (Internet-Technologien und -Systeme) , Prof. Dr. Felix Naumann (Information Systems)

Allgemeine Information

  • Semesterwochenstunden: 4
  • ECTS: 6
  • Benotet: Ja
  • Einschreibefrist: 26.10.2018
  • Lehrform: Vorlesung / Übung
  • Belegungsart: Pflichtmodul
  • Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Studiengänge, Modulgruppen & Module

Digital Health MA


This is a bridging module aimed specifically at students with a background in health professions/life sciences. The goal is to provide a platform to enable students learn about the use of Information Technology (IT) systems in the healthcare environment. The module covers topics such as the use of digital patient data, secure messaging, e-health, computerized clinical decision-making tools, and the impact of IT systems on effective patient care. In addition, the students will learn about the impact of integrating IT systems in healthcare from the human resource, economics and government policy perspective. After completing this module, you should be able to think critically about IT Systems in the digital health context.

  • Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the IT systems concepts, definitions, and terms in digital health
    • Learn to critically analyze IT systems use in healthcare
    • Learn to identify the advantages and challenges of IT systems in healthcare
    • Ability to critique the integration of IT Systems into clinical work practices
    • Be able to reflect on the suitability and sustainability of digital tools, applications, and information sites to improve health education


  • Prerequisites: None
  • Software or Materials Required: Python, HTML, PostgreSQL, Basic Word-processing (Word, Excel,…)


  • Block 1: Basic principles of Computing
    • Suggested Readings:
      • Abelson, Ledeen, and Lewis, “Blown to Bits” (free) http://www.bitsbook.com/excerpts/(Chapters: 1 and 3)
      • Denning and Martell, Great Principles of Computing (MIT Press) (Chapters: 5, 6, and 7)
  • Block 2 & 3: Principles of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, and WWW
    • Suggested Readings:
      • N. Rozanski and E.Woods, “Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives” (2ndEdition)
      • Meinel and Sack, “Internetworking – Technological Foundations and Applications”, 2013 (Springer)
  • Block 4: Principles of Databases
    • Suggested Readings:
      • Mata-Toledo, “Schaum’s Outline of Fundamentals of Relational Databases (Schaum’s Outlines)”, 2000
      • Matthew and Stone, “Beginning Database with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional”, 2005
      • Bagui and Earp, “Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams (Foundations of Database Design, 1)”, 2003
      • PostgreSQL Tutorial, http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/
  • Block 5 & 6: Layered Software Stacks, and Principles of Systems Security
    • Suggested Readings:
      • Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, Blair, “Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design”, (5thed.), 2012
      • Meinel and Sack, “Sicherheit und Vetrauen im Internet”, 2014 (Springer)

Lern- und Lehrformen

Teaching will be done in the form of lectures on the topics below. Lecture slides and learning materials will also be available through clickable links on associated material.

  • Block 1: Basic Principles of Computing 
    • Computers and Code (15.10.2018)
    • Operating Systems (18.10.2018)
  • Block 2: Principles of Compter networks and Distributed Systems
    • Internet Technology (22.10.2018)
    • Web Technologies (25.10, 29.10, & 01.11.2018)
  • Block 3: Cloud Computing and the WWW
    • Cloud Computing (05.11.2018)
    • Search Engines  (08.11, & 12.11.2018)
    • Semantic Web (15.11.2018)
  • Block 4: Principles of Databases (19.11, 22.11, 26.11, 29.11, & 03.12.2018)
  • Block 5: Layered Software Stacks (10.12, 13.12, & 17.12.2018)
  • Block 6: Principles of Systems Security (14.01, & 21.01.2019)





Grade %

Assignments (Homework and Lab)


Bi-Weekly, starting Week 2


Mid-Semester Exam (60 mins)


06.12.2018 (HS 2)


Final Exam (90 mins)


07.02.2019 (HS 2) 



Lectures hold on Mondays and Thursdays respectively. 

Day Time Location
Monday 15.15 - 16.45 HS 3
Thursday 13.30 - 15.00 HS  2
