Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich

Clinical Informatics

The Clinical Informatics group of the Digital Health - Connected Healthcare Chair focuses on the use of electronic health records (EHRs) to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery. EHRs contain a wealth of information about patients’ medical history, diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes, which can be leveraged to support clinical decision-making, enhance patient safety, and facilitate personalized medicine. However, EHR data also pose significant challenges, such as heterogeneity, complexity, privacy, and security. Our group aims to address these challenges by developing novel methods and tools for EHR data analysis and management. Some of our research topics include time-series analysis and alarm fatigue in clinical settings, where we seek to extract meaningful patterns and insights from high-dimensional and noisy EHR data, and federated learning, where we explore a secure and privacy-preserving way of sharing and learning from EHR data across different institutions.

Current Research Topics:

  • Technological Interventions to Alleviate Alarm Fatigue
  • Time Series Analysis of Clinical Sensor Data
  • Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning
  • Federated Learning for Clinical Risk Prediction Models


Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-4819

Room: G-2.1.20

Email: jonas.chromik(at)hpi.de

Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-3915

Room: G-2.1.12

Email: stefan.kalabakov(at)hpi.de

Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-1374

Room: G-2.1.12

Email: bjarne.pfitzner(at)hpi.de

Phone: +49-(0)331 5509-3436

Room: G-2.1.11

Email: robin.vandewater(at)hpi.de




  • ARTEMIS: An Alarm Threshold and Policy Mining System for the Intensive Care Unit. Chromik, Jonas; Flint, Anne Rike; Arnrich, Bert in International Journal of Medical Informatics (2024). 105349.
  • Differentially-Private Fe... - Download
    Differentially-Private Federated Learning with Non-IID Data For Surgical Risk Prediction. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Maurer, Max M.; Winter, Axel; Riepe, Christoph; Sauer, Igor M.; van de Water, Robin; Arnrich, Bert in 2024 IEEE First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Health and Care (AIMHC) (2024). 120–129.


  • Federated Learning for Activity Recognition: A System Level Perspective. Kalabakov, Stefan; Jovanovski, Borche; Denkovski, Daniel; Rakovic, Valentin; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Konak, Orhan; Arnrich, Bert; Gjoreski, Hristijan in IEEE Access (2023). 11 64442–64457.
  • SONAR, a nursing activity dataset with inertial sensors. Konak, Orhan; Döring, Valentin; Fiedler, Tobias; Liebe, Lucas; Masopust, Leander; Postnov, Kirill; Sauerwald, Franz; Treykorn, Felix; Wischmann, Alexander; Kalabakov, Stefan; others in Scientific Data (2023). 10(1) 727.
  • Recommender System for Al... - Download
    Recommender System for Alarm Thresholds in Medical Patient Monitors. Schmidt, Denise; Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2023). 74–85.
  • Predictive Alarm Preventi... - Download
    Predictive Alarm Prevention by Forecasting Threshold Alarms at the Intensive Care Unit. Chromik, Jonas; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Ihde, Nina; Michaelis, Marius; Schmidt, Denise; Klopfenstein, Sophie Anne Ines; Poncette, Akira-Sebastian; Balzer, Felix; Arnrich, Bert in Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, A. C. A. Roque, D. Gracanin, R. Lorenz, A. Tsanas, N. Bier, A. Fred, H. Gamboa (eds.) (2023). (Vol. 1814) 215–236.


  • SensorHub: Multimodal Sen... - Download
    SensorHub: Multimodal Sensing in Real-Life Enables Home-Based Studies. Chromik, Jonas; Kirsten, Kristina; Herdick, Arne; Kappattanavar, Arpita Mallikarjuna; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2022). 22(1)
  • DPD-fVAE: Synthetic Data ... - Download
    DPD-fVAE: Synthetic Data Generation Using Federated Variational Autoencoders With Differentially-Private Decoder Pfitzner, Bjarne; Arnrich, Bert (2022).
  • Defending against Reconst... - Download
    Defending against Reconstruction Attacks through Differentially Private Federated Learning for Classification of Heterogeneous Chest X-ray Data. Ziegler, Joceline; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Schulz, Heinrich; Saalbach, Axel; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors, (F. Marulli; L. Verde, eds.) (2022). 22(14)
  • Computational Approaches ... - Download
    Computational Approaches to Alleviate Alarm Fatigue in Intensive Care Medicine: A Systematic Literature Review. Chromik, Jonas; Klopfenstein, Sophie Anne Ines; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Sinno, Zeena-Carola; Arnrich, Bert; Balzer, Felix; Poncette, Akira-Sebastian in Frontiers in Digital Health (2022). 4
  • Forecasting Thresholds Al... - Download
    Forecasting Thresholds Alarms in Medical Patient Monitors using Time Series Models. Chromik., Jonas; Pfitzner., Bjarne; Ihde., Nina; Michaelis., Marius; Schmidt., Denise; Klopfenstein., Sophie; Poncette., Akira-Sebastian; Balzer., Felix; Arnrich., Bert (2022). 26–34.
  • Extracting Alarm Events f... - Download
    Extracting Alarm Events from the MIMIC-III Clinical Database. Chromik., Jonas; Pfitzner., Bjarne; Ihde., Nina; Michaelis., Marius; Schmidt., Denise; Klopfenstein., Sophie; Poncette., Akira-Sebastian; Balzer., Felix; Arnrich., Bert (2022). 328–335.


  • Choosing the Appropriate ... - Download
    Choosing the Appropriate QRS Detector. Eilers, Justus; Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2021). (Vol. 14)
  • Certainty in QRS detectio... - Download
    Certainty in QRS detection with artificial neural networks. Chromik, Jonas; Pirl, Lukas; Beilharz, Jossekin; Arnrich, Bert; Polze, Andreas in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2021). 68 102628.
  • Data Augmentation of Kine... - Download
    Data Augmentation of Kinematic Time-Series From Rehabilitation Exercises Using GANs. Albert, Justin; Glöckner, Pawel; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1–6.
  • Differentially Private Fe... - Download
    Differentially Private Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection in EHealth Networks. Cholakoska, Ana; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Gjoreski, Hristijan; Rakovic, Valentin; Arnrich, Bert; Kalendar, Marija in UbiComp ’21 (2021). 514–518.
  • Impact of Custom Features... - Download
    Impact of Custom Features of Do-it-yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIYAPS) on Glycemic Outcomes of People with Type 1 Diabetes. Staszak, Wiktoria; Chromik, Jonas; Braune, Katarina; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1472–1475.
  • Sensor-Based Obsessive-Co... - Download
    Sensor-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Detection With Personalised Federated Learning. Kirsten, Kristina; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Löper, Lando; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 333–339.
  • Optimal Deployment in Eme... - Download
    Optimal Deployment in Emergency Medicine with Genetic Algorithm Exemplified by Lifeguard Assignments*. Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1806–1809.
  • Perioperative Risk Assess... - Download
    Perioperative Risk Assessment in Pancreatic Surgery Using Machine Learning. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Chromik, Jonas; Brabender, Rachel; Fischer, Eric; Kromer, Alexander; Winter, Axel; Moosburner, Simon; Sauer, Igor M.; Malinka, Thomas; Pratschke, Johann; Arnrich, Bert; Maurer, Max M. (2021). 2211–2214.
  • Implicit Model Specializa... - Download
    Implicit Model Specialization through Dag-Based Decentralized Federated Learning. Beilharz, Jossekin; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Schmid, Robert; Geppert, Paul; Arnrich, Bert; Polze, Andreas in Middleware ’21 (2021). 310–322.


  • Tangle Ledger for Decentr... - Download
    Tangle Ledger for Decentralized Learning. Schmid, R.; Pfitzner, B.; Beilharz, J.; Arnrich, B.; Polze, A. (2020). 852–859.
  • Federated Learning in a M... - Download
    Federated Learning in a Medical Context: A Systematic Literature Review. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Steckhan, Nico; Arnrich, Bert in ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Medical Data for Smart Healthcare (2020).


  • Poisoning Attacks with Ge... - Download
    Poisoning Attacks with Generative Adversarial Nets. Muñoz-González, Luis; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Russo, Matteo; Carnerero-Cano, Javier; Lupu, Emil C (2019).
  • Unobtrusive Measurement o... - Download
    Unobtrusive Measurement of Blood Pressure During Lifestyle Interventions. Morassi Sasso, Ariane; Datta, Suparno; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Zhou, Lin; Steckhan, Nico; Boettinger, Erwin; Arnrich, Bert (2019).