Microsoft Research, Xerox PARC
Hasso Plattner Institut
Currently in parental leave.
Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University
College of Electronics & Information, Kyung Hee University
MSc IT-Systems Engineering at HPI
BSc Computer Science at National Taiwan University
Alumni of Patrick Baudisch’s lab at Hasso Plattner Institute have moved on to faculty positions at highly prestigious research universities worldwide, including such places as MIT and ETH Zürich.
now assistant professor at ETH
now associate professor at MIT
now associate professor at University of Chicago
now associate professor at Taiwan National University
now assistant professor at CMU
now assistant professor at Cornell Tech
now Director of Engineering - Data Platform at Delivery Hero
now software engineer at Havok
now VP of Engineering at nFrontier
now researcher at Sony
Professor at University of Bristol, UK
Associate Professor at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada
Assistant Professor at UC Boulder, Colorado
Associate Professor at University of Adelaide, Australia
Director of Product and Engineering at Plantura
Senior Graphics Researcher at Tencent
Senior Researcher at Meta
see also our past Interns and Guests
The objective of our work is to unify the virtual world of the computer with the physical world of the user into a single space.
Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch Human Computer Interaction E-Mail: patrick.baudisch(at) Tel.: +49(331) 550 9 - 551
Hasso Plattner Institute Prof-Dr-Helmert Str. 2-3 Neues Hauptgebaeude 2ter Stock = 3rd floor, H2.33
directions by train: take S7 to Griebnitzsee and follow directions below to the HCI-Lab
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