Clean-IT Conference

Clean-IT Conference

The clean-IT Conference is an international platform for the exchange of ideas to make the digital world more sustainable. High-ranking policy and industry leaders engage in a dialogue with academia and civil society to address the pressing issue of how digital technologies can support the fight against climate change and what needs to be done to reduce the carbon footprint of digitalization.

At a glance

Information on the cleanIT Conference 2024 will follow here shortly.


In today's world, sustainability has become critical to the growth and success of businesses. There is no doubt that the ongoing digitalization and networking of devices and systems have a significant impact on our energy consumption and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that pollute our environment. The trend goes in both directions: Digitization is helping to reduce energy waste and CO2 emissions in traditional sectors such as logistics, manufacturing, power generation and distribution, agriculture and construction.

Photo Gallery: clean-IT Conference 2023