Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle

Dr. Carina Leue-Bensch

Affiliated Researcher

E-Mail: carina.leue-bensch@hpi.uni-potsdam.de

External Profiles: LinkedIn

Short Profile

Carina Leue-Bensch is an innovation practitioner, researcher and lecturer. She graduated in Business Informatics as well as Technology and Innovation Management and holds a PhD in Innovation Management from University of Potsdam.

In her research she investigated how organizations can support their employees to engage in innovation. In a practical context Carina is investigating on the same issue as she has been working as an Innovation Manager at Lufthansa Systems since 2007. As such she has been involved in various innovation projects, regularly moderating innovation co-design and strategy workshops as well as facilitating the organization’s Corporate Entrepreneurship framework “FlyingLab”.

Next to her main job as Innovation Manager Carina is lecturing Innovation Management, Design Thinking and Corporate Entrepreneurship at several Universities. Thus she is bringing both - university and industry - worlds together by linking research, lectures and practice in her main interest area of Teaching and Coaching Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship.


  • Leue-Bensch, C. (2020) Supporting the expression if entrepreneurial potential, dissertation. University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Drews, P., Schomborg, T. & Leue-Bensch, C. (2017) Gamification und Crowdfunding im Innovationsmanagement – Entwicklung und Einführung einer SharePoint-basierten Anwendung. In: Strahringer S., Leyh C. (eds) Gamification und Serious Games. Edition HMD. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden

  • Mosleh, W. S. & Leue-Bensch, C. (2017) How Games can Address Organisational Innovation Challenges. In proceedings of ISPIM 2017 Conference, Vienna, Austria.

  • Drews, P., Schomborg, T. & Leue-Bensch, C., (2015). Gamification und Crowdfunding im Innovationsmanagement – Entwicklung und Einführung einer SharePoint-basierten Anwendung.  HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 52, No. 6. Springer. (S. 891-902). DOI: 10.1365/s40702-015-0175-8