Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle
[Translate to Englisch:] Oliver Kullik

Oliver Kullik, MBM

Research Associate, Doctoral Candidate

E-Mail: oliver.kullik(at)hpi.de

Phone: +49 (0)331 5509 4935

Room: G-1.E.13/14

External Profiles: LinkedIn, ORCID

Short Profile

Oliver Kullik is a research assistant and Ph.D. candidate at the Department of IT Entrepreneurship, Hasso Plattner Institute, Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam.

His research in the field of corporate entrepreneurship focuses on structural and organizational mechanisms in institutionalized innovation units (e.g., corporate accelerators, innovation labs, business incubators) as well as collaborative innovation processes. This includes the cooperation of established companies with start-ups as well as intra-organizational cooperation between business units in the innovation context.

In addition, he is engaged in the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the framework of a project for the digitalization of SMEs funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi).

Before becoming a research assistant, Oliver Kullik worked for the management consultancies BearingPoint and Horváth & Partners in the field of public management. His focus was on e-government, performance, and strategic management as well as auditing of large IT projects. Oliver Kullik completed his Master of Business Marketing (MBM) at the Free University of Berlin with a focus on e-business. Before that, he studied European Management (B.A.) at the TH Wildau.


  • Hölzle, K., & Kullik, O. (2020). Corporate Accelerator – Bindeglied, Brückenbauer und Befähiger von Start-ups. In K. Hölzle, V. Tiberius, & H. Surrey (Eds.), Perspektiven des Entrepreneurship – Unternehmertum zwischen Theorie und Praxis (pp. 283–297). Schaeffer-Poeschel.
  • Hölzle, K., Gerhardt, F., Kalischewski, N., Petzolt, S., & Kullik, O. (2019). Personal digital – Wie ein KMU in einer kaum digitalisierten Branche eine digitale Strategie entwickelt und Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für sich nutzt. In C. K. Bosse & K. J. Zink (Eds.), Arbeit 4.0 im Mittelstand (pp. 135–152). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Kullik, O., Hölzle, K., Halecker, B., & Hartmann, M. (2018). Company Building – A New Phenomenon of Corporate Venturing? Proceedings of the XXIX ISPIM Conference.
  • Glombik, S., Kullik, O., & Hölzle, K. (2017). Mapping the multitude of digital maturity. 18th CINet Conference.
  • Breitsprecher M., Krassowski E., Kullik O. (2015). Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung im europäischen Kontext am Beispiel von E-Government, in: Horváth, P. (Hrsg.) / Michel, U. (Hrsg.). Controlling im digitalen Zeitalter: Herausforderungen und Best-Practice-Lösungen. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, S. 137-149.