
Guest Talk: “Profitable AI: Strategies for Business & Operational Success“

Guest Talk | June 06, 2024 | Potsdam & online | 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. | future guest talks

Dive into Profitable AI with Elizabeth Press, a Data Leader, Strategist, and Cybersecurity expert with 20 years of experience in digitalization, data and AI. Despite Germany's AI hype, businesses struggle to move beyond proof-of-concept and operationalize AI. Business acceptance, data readiness, MLOps and scale are some of the common stumbling blocks. Join us to explore AI's full potential.

Dive into Profitable AI with Elizabeth Press, a Data Leader, Strategist, and Cybersecurity expert with 20 years of experience in digitalization, data and AI. Elizabeth founded D3M Labs, and worked on data, innovation, and AI projects for organizations such as the Foreign Office, Betahaus, and Rolls-Royce. D3M Labs, now a thriving community of 1000+ leaders and practitioners, focused on financial value from data and AI and cyber-secure digital business.

Despite the massive hype and activity, German businesses struggle to operationalize and deploy AI, let alone use it to drive profitable growth. This talk delves into the profitability of AI, emphasizing the business case and productization, aspects that are often underappreciated. The talk also addresses the challenges of implementing and executing AI, exploring key topics such as MLOps and data readiness, including quality and governance. Attendees will gain valuable insights into navigating the complexities of AI integration, scaling, and ensuring a successful transition into operational environments.

Language of the guest talk: English

Building L, Room L-E.03
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3, 14482 Potsdam

Online participation:You can join the event via Zoom.

Register here for the guest talk.

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