
Project Steps

Step 1: Submit Project Proposal

See Call for Proposals page for further information.

Step 2: Receive Decision

Receive Decision

During the HPI Future SOC Lab Day, the Steering Committee, which comprises representatives from HPI and industry partners, decides wheter a project will be approved or rejected.

Step 3: Get access to Ressources

Access IT landscape

Accepted research projects are granted access to resources (renewal possible via further applications).

Step 4: Document your results

Document Project Results

At the end of the project phase, a final technical report and a scientific poster on the research activities must be submitted. The report will be published once a year through the university publisher, and the poster will be presented at the next Future SOC Lab Day. The templates and guidelines are here.

Furthermore, research projects are expected to present their work to the Future SOC Lab community and all interested parties. This is usually scheduled on Future SOC Lab Day.

Step 5: Visit the HPI Future SOC Lab Day

Attend to the Future SOC Lab Day

Gain insights into the latest research questions and trends in IT companys. Registration takes place on the event website.