
University of Cape Town

Zur Zeit arbeiten neun Doktoranden aus verschiedenen Ländern Afrikas an der HPI-Außenstelle an der Universität Kapstadt. In der "HPI Research School at UCT" forschen die afrikanischen IT-Spezialisten im Projekt "Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D)" gemeinsam an algorithmischen und nutzerzentrierten Rechenlösungen mit besonderer Relevanz für Entwicklungsländer.

Die HPI Research School at UCT vereint Forscher verschiedener Fachrichtungen, wie z. B. Anthropologie, Medienwissenschaften, Informationssystemen und Informatik. Sie arbeiten mit lokalen und globalen Technologiefirmen an Problemen in den Bereichen TeleHealth, M-Education, Mobile Internet und Mobile Tele-Commuting.

Seit die HPI Research School at UCT im Jahr 2009 ihre Arbeit aufgenommen hat, haben 35 Stipendiaten ihre Promotion erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

Mitglieder der HPI Research School Cape Town

Herman Kandjimi

Herman Kandjimi

Mitglied seit 2023
Prof. Hussein Suleman
Emmanuel Ackerson

Emmanuel Ackerson

Mitglied seit 2023
Prof. Josiah Chavula
Sarah Mulombo Mulaji

Sarah Mulombo Mulaji

Mitglied seit 2023
Prof. Irwin Brown
Mbithe Nzomo

Mbithe Nzomo

Mitglied seit 2021
Prof. Deshen Moodley
Safianu Omar

Safianu Omar

Mitglied seit 2021
Prof. Jean-Paul van Belle
Rebecca Njuguna

Rebecca Njuguna

Mitglied seit 2021
Prof. Ulrike Rivett
Guidance Mthwazi

Guidance Mthwazi

Mitglied seit 2020
Prof. Irwin Brown
Frances Gilles-Weber

Frances Gilles-Weber

Mitglied seit 2020
Prof. Maria Keet
Mary-Jane Antia

Mary-Jane Antia

Mitglied seit 2020
Prof. Maria Keet


Prof. Irwin Brown

Prof. Irwin Brown

Irwin Brown is Head of Department and Professor of Information Systems (IS) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). He obtained a BScEngHons (Electrical) degree from University of Zimbabwe (1985-1988), a MInfSys (1994-1995) degree from Curtin University of Technology, Australia, and a PhD from UCT (2001-2005).  He maintains a broad interest in all areas of IS research, but with a specific focus on understanding and theorising IS phenomena in the contextual conditions of Africa. He has contributed to over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, and more than 70 peer-reviewed conference papers. Notable outlets include the European Journal of Information Systems, and leading Association for Information Systems (AIS) conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems and the European Conference on Information Systems. He has supervised to graduation 17 PhD candidates (12 as main supervisor). He serves several journals including as Editor-in-Chief for the African Journal of Information Systems (2021-present), and is currently a guest editor for the European Journal of Information Systems Special Issue on Advancing the Development of Contextually Relevant ICT4D Theories.

Dr. Josiah Chavula

Dr. Josiah Chavula

Dr. Josiah Chavula received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2017,  a Masters degree in Networking and Internet Systems from Lancaster University (UK 2011), and a BSc in Computer Science and Physics from the University of Malawi in 2005 . For his PhD, and as part of the HPI Research School at UCT, Josiah looked at technical solutions to enhance Internet-based collaboration among universities in Africa. Prior to taking up an academic position at UCT, Josiah was a Senior Research Engineer at the African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC), the Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources serving the African Internet Community. Previously, Josiah worked as a Network Engineer in Malawi's telecommunications industry before joining Mzuzu University, where he taught undergraduate ICT courses and championed skills-based ICT training programs for local communities and entrepreneurs in Malawi. Josiah’s current research focuses on performance of internet systems in low resource contexts, and on enhancing the use of Networks and the Internet for innovative and sustainable solutions that help local communities.  

Dr. Melissa Densmore

Melissa Densmore is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at University of Cape Town and Acting Director of the UCT Centre in Information & Communications Technology for Development. Densmore’s research explores design with mothers and community-based digital content creation and collaborationin the context of community wireless networks (cloudlets). Prior work includes an ethnography of technology adoption in an NGO program in Uganda, a delay-tolerant tele-consultation system for doctors in Ghana and contributions to infrastructure enabling village health centers to consult with doctors at the Aravind Eye Hospitals. Recipient of the 2008 Yamashita Foundations for Change Prize, she has been doing ethnographic fieldwork, systems design, and deployments in Ghana, India, Mexico, Rwanda, and Uganda since 2004. Melissa completed her PhD at University of California, Berkeley in Information Management and Systems, has an MSc in Data Communications, Networks and Distributed Systems from University College London, and holds a BA in Computer Science from Cornell University.

Jan Buys

I am a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town. My research area is Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. My current research focusses on text generation, linguistic structure prediction, and low-resource language processing. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington, working with Yejin Choi. I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford, supervised by Phil Blunsom. Before that I obtained a Masters degree and undergraduate degrees in Computer Science at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

Prof. Ulrike Rivett

Prof. Ulrike Rivett

Ulrike Rivett is a Professor in the Department of Information Systems in the School of IT at UCT. Her research focuses on understanding the impact of ICTs in resource constraint environments and is application and implementation driven to contribute to transformation and societal impact. A particular interest of her research group iCOMMS lies in the use of design methodologies to improve  the participation of the marginalised in research and development. She has worked on projects with the Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the German Academic Exchange program and the South African Water Research Commission. Her work has been published widely in the field of ICT for development and she has also received a number of awards for her work with communities and the innovative use of ICT applications. 

Prof. Lisa Seymour

Professor Lisa Seymour, from the Department of Information Systems (IS) at the University of Cape Town, researches and teaches in the areas of business processes, enterprise systems and IS education; with particular emphasis on regional development in Southern Africa in line with the research group CITANDA (Centre for IT and National Development in Africa). Her research aims to assist organisations, particularly within the SME and public sector in Africa, obtaining benefit from their business processes and enterprise systems. She is also interested in solving educational challenges in this space and in working collaboratively on these challenges.

Prof. Maria Keet

C. Maria Keet is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town. She focuses on logic-based knowledge representation, ontology and Ontology, and conceptual data modelling, which has resulted in over 90 peer-reviewed publications, most of them as main author. She is PI on a NRF-funded (CPRR-grant) project on a grammar engine for Nguni languages, and was PI on an DST/MINCyT-funded bi-lateral project with Argentina on ontology-driven conceptual modelling and on a UKZN-funded project on crowdsourcing an isiZulu terminology. She was involved in several EU projects, coordinated the development of the WONDER system for intelligent access to biological data, and has served in over 25 Program Committees of international workshops and conferences and reviewed for 14 journals. She is a NRF-rated researcher (Y1).

Before her employment at UCT, Maria was Senior lecturer at the School of Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and before that, a non-tenured Assistant Professor (ricercatore a tempo determinato) at the KRDB Research Centre, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. She obtained a PhD in Computer Science at the KRDB Research Centre in 2008, following a BSc(honours) 1st class in IT & Computing from the Open University UK in 2004, and 3.5 years work experience as systems engineer in the IT industry with its vocational training (MSCE, ASE, ITIL). In addition to computer science, she obtained an MSc in Food Science (Microbiology) from Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands, in 1998, and an MA 1st class in Peace & Development Studies from the University of Limerick, Ireland, in 2003.

Prof. Hussein Suleman

Hussein Suleman is Head of Department and Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Cape Town. His research is situated within the Centre for ICT for Development (ICT4D) and the Digital Libraries Laboratory. Hussein's main research interests are in digital libraries, ICT4D, African language information retrieval, cultural heritage preservation, Internet technology and educational technology. He has in the past worked extensively on architecture and interoperability issues related to digital library systems, with a growing emphasis on the relationship between low resource conditions and such architectures. This has evolved into a focus on ICT for development (ICT4D); this is a new research area in computer science that looks into the application of ICT to solve key developmental problems, as defined locally or by multinational agencies like the United Nations.


David Sanka Laar

David Sanka Laar

Mitglied bis 2023
Prof. Lisa Seymour
Bernard Akhigbe

Bernard Akhigbe

Mitglied bis 2023
Prof. Hussein Suleman
Sarah Dsane

Sarah Dsane

Mitglied bis 2022
Melissa Densmore
Tezira Wanyana

Tezira Wanyana

Mitglied bis 2022
Deshen Moodley
Enock Tung'ande Mbewe

Enock Tung'ande Mbewe

Mitglied bis 2022
Josiah Chavula
Jecton Tocho Anyango

Jecton Tocho Anyango

Mitglied bis 2022
Hussein Suleman
Zola Mahlaza

Zola Mahlaza

Mitglied bis 2021
Maria Keet
Natasha Zlobinsky

Natasha Zlobinsky

Mitglied bis 2020
David Johnson
Gerald Nethan Balekaki

Gerald Nethan Balekaki

Mitglied bis 2021
Michelle Kuttel
Joseph Philipo Telemala

Joseph Philipo Telemala

Mitglied bis 2021
Hussein Suleman
Christine Wanjiru Mburu

Christine Wanjiru Mburu

Mitglied bis 2020
Melissa Densmore
Augustine Takyi

Augustine Takyi

Mitglied bis 2020
Melissa Densmore, David Johnson
Amreesh Phokeer

Amreesh Phokeer

Mitglied bis 2019
David Johnson
Selvas Mwanza

Selvas Mwanza

Mitglied bis 2018
Hussein Suleman
Joan Byamugisha

Joan Byamugisha

Mitglied bis 2018
Maria Keet, Brian de Renzi
Richard Maliwatu

Richard Maliwatu

Mitglied bis 2018
David Johnson, Melissa Densmore
Anesu Marufu

Anesu Marufu

Mitglied bis 2018
Prof. Tommie Meyer
Maletsabisa Molapo

Maletsabisa Molapo

Mitglied bis 2018
Melissa Densmore
Yamiko Joseph Msosa

Yamiko Joseph Msosa

Mitglied bis 2017
Audrey Mbogho, Maria Keet
Landry Pacome Ambassa

Landry Pacome Ambassa

Mitglied bis 2017
Anne Kayem, Prof. Christoph Meinel
Lighton Phiri

Lighton Phiri

Mitglied bis 2017
Hussein Suleman, Prof. Christoph Meinel
Josiah Chavula

Josiah Chavula

Mitglied bis 2017
A. Bagula, Hussein Suleman
Sakpere Aderonke

Sakpere Aderonke

Mitglied bis 2016
Anne Kayem
Fiona Ssozi

Fiona Ssozi

Mitglied bis 2017
Edwin Blake, Prof. Ulrike Rivett
Haji Ali Haji

Haji Ali Haji

Mitglied bis 2016
Hussein Suleman, Ulrike Rivett
Sinini Ncube

Sinini Ncube

Mitglied bis 2016
Gary Marsden
Mvurya Mgala

Mvurya Mgala

Mitglied bis 2015
Audrey Mbogho, Prof. Elijah I. Omwenga
Richie Ssembatya

Richie Ssembatya

Mitglied bis 2014
Dr. Anne Kayem, Gary Marsden
Grace Ssekakubo

Grace Ssekakubo

Mitglied bis 2014
Gary Marsden, Hussein Suleman
Ntwa Katule

Ntwa Katule

Mitglied bis 2014
Gary Marsden
Chao Mbogho

Chao Mbogho

Mitglied bis 2014
Hussein Suleman, Edwin Blake
Christoph Chepken

Christoph Chepken

Mitglied bis 2012
Muthoni Masinde

Muthoni Masinde

Mitglied bis 2012
Raymond Mugwanya

Raymond Mugwanya

Mitglied bis 2012
Silvian Gitau

Silvian Gitau

Mitglied bis 2011
Toky Raboanary

Toky Raboanary

Mitglied seit 2019
Maria Keet

Khanyisa Malufu

Khanyisa Malufu

Mitglied seit 2020
Prof. Irwin Brown
Johan Bontes

Johan Bontes

Mitglied seit 2021
Prof. James Gain
Francois Meyer

Francois Meyer

Mitglied seit 2021
Dr. Jan Buys