Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Nov 2016: Talk by Timo Kötzing

Timo Kötzing gave a talk general-audience talk on Optimization - From Classic Approaches to Black-Box Heuristics at the HPI Colloquium on November 24, 2016. A recording is available on Tele-TASK.

Timo Kötzing talking at the HPI.

Nov 2016: ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) is a team programming competition for university students. The HPI participated for the first time with the team "HexaFlexagons" in the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC) in Bath, UK. Our team was recruited and trained in our course Competitive Programming.

Nov 2016: Talk by Rolf Niedermeier

Rolf Niedermeier from TU Berlin is one of the world-wide leading experts in parameterized and multivariate algorithm design and analysis. He gave a talk on Parameterized Algorithmics - On Interactions with Heuristics in the HPI Colloquium on November 10, 2016. A recording is available on Tele-Task.

Rolf Niedermeier talking at the HPI.

Sep 2016: Probabilistic Routing for On-Street Parking Search

Our bachelor project 2015/16 worked on an efficient algorithm to predict good parking spots based on estimated success probabilities of parking attempts from the past. Several local newspapers, radio and TV stations reported on their work.

May 2016: Bachelor project picture

In May, we also take pictures of our bachelor project, which is working on Probabilistic Routing for On-Street Parking Search.

Photo credit: HPI/K. Herschelmann

May 2016: Annual group picture

Every year in May, we take a new group picture including the researchers and students of the chair.

Photo credit: HPI/K. Herschelmann