Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich


You can find all news of the Algorithm Engineering group in our archive below. An RSS Feed of this year's news can be found here.



Best Paper awarded at IPEC

We are very happy to announce to accepted papers at the International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC) one of which was awarded as the … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Philipp Fischbeck

We are proud to announce that Philipp Fischbeck successfully defended his dissertation titled On Realistic Random Network Models for Algorithm Evaluation, which … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at RANDOM and ESA

Recently two papers of our group members were accepted: First, the paper Fast and Slow Mixing of the Kawasaki Dynamics on Bounded-Degree Graphs was accepted at … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Gregor Lagodzinski

We are happy to announce that Gregor Lagodzinski successfully defended his dissertation titled Counting Homomorphisms over Fields of Prime Order, which was … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at FOCS and PPSN

We are proud to announce two rently accepted papers: At the 65th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) in Chicago, USA on 27-30 October, one … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at SAND and IWOCA

We have more good paper acceptance news! Together with researchers from the University of Liverpool, George Skretas wrote the paper All for one and one for all: … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at GECCO and WG

We are proud to announce three recently accepted papers, two of which as full papers and one as a poster. The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at IJCAI

For this year's edition of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) on 3-9 August in Jeju, Korea, we are proud to announce two … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at ICALP and PODS

Recently, two papers by our group members have been accepted for publication: Together with a group of researchers from various universities, Pascal Lenzner … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at ICAPS and PAKDD

We are glad to announce two recently accepted papers. The first paper Incremental Ordering for Scheduling Problems was among the 22% accepted papers for the … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at AAAI, AAMAS and IPEC

For the start of the year we are proud to announce three accepted papers! The first paper was accepted at the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial … > Zum Artikel


HPI team qualifies for 2024 ICPC European Championship

In the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC), a competiitve programming contest by ICPC, three HPI student teams participated with great success. Trained … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at SODA, GD and ISAAC

Recently, our group had three more accepted papers: The first paper, Tree Containment Above Minimum Degree is FPT was accepted at the Symposium on Discrete … > Zum Artikel


Four new members joining

This fall, we have four new group members joining: Farehe Soheil who has been working on graph theory and approximate algorithms already started in the … > Zum Artikel


Algorithm Engineering group hosts ADYN Summer School

As part of the ADYN project, our group hosted this year's edition of the ADYN summer school. Taking place from 19-22 September, it attracted 70 participants … > Zum Artikel


Algorithm Engineering group hosts the FOGA conference

From 30 August to 1 September, 31 participants of the 17th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA XVII) discussed various aspects of … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Louise Molitor

Recently, Louise Molitor successfully defended her dissertation titled Strategic Residential Segregation, which was supervised by Tobias Friedrich and advised … > Zum Artikel


Three HPI teams in Top 10 at GCPC 2023

The German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC) is the national German contest for competitive programming with participating student teams from universities … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at ESA, RANDOM and SAGT

We are proud to announce three recently accepted papers by group members at ESA, RANDOM and SAGT! For the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) the paper On … > Zum Artikel


Four Papers accepted at IJCAI

We are proud to announce that four papers by our group members were accepted at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) on 19-25 … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at WG

At this year's edition of the International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG) in Fribourg, Switzerland on 28-30 June we will present … > Zum Artikel


Five Papers accepted at GECCO

We are proud to announce that five papers by our group members have been accepted at The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in Lisbon, … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at ICALP

For the competitive International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) with an acceptance rate of 30% three papers of our group were … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Vanja Doskoč

Last week on Friday, Vanja Doskoč successfully defended his dissertation titled Mapping Restrictions in Behaviourally Correct Learning, which was supervised by … > Zum Artikel


Five Papers accepted at PODC, SEA, FORC and WADS

We are happy to announce five recently accepted papers: First, one paper will appear at the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing on 19-23 June … > Zum Artikel


Seminar organized in Oberwolfach

This week, Tobias Friedrich is co-organizing an Oberwolfach workshop on Random Graphs: Combinatorics, Complex Networks and Disordered Systems. Originally … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at PAKDD and ACNS

We are proud to announce two recently accepted papers written by our group members. First, Philipp Fischbeck and others authored the paper The Common-Neighbors … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at STOC

We are happy to announce that two papers by our group members were accepted at the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC). The conference will … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Francesco Quinzan

Francesco Quinzan successfully defended his dissertation titled Combinatorial Problems and Scalability in Artificial Intelligence, which was supervised by … > Zum Artikel


Papers accepted at STACS, AISTATS and ARES

We are happy to announce three recently accepted papers of our group members: At the 40th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science … > Zum Artikel


Five Papers accepted at AAMAS

For the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems taking place in London from 29 May-2 June, three papers of our group were … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Maximilian Katzmann

Last week, Maximilian Katzmann successfully defended his dissertation titled About the Analysis of Algorithms on Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic Geometry, … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at AAAI

We are proud to announce that three papers of our group members were accepted at the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence which had an … > Zum Artikel


Two HPI student teams successfully participate in NWERC 2022

The Northwestern Europe Regional Contest 2022 (NWERC), an official regional contest in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, took place on … > Zum Artikel


Four Papers accepted at SODA, ALENEX and HPEC

The Algorithm Engineering group is proud to contribute a paper to the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) which will take place on January 22 - 25, 2023 in … > Zum Artikel


HPI team secures third spot at PACE challenge

In the international Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments (PACE) challenge, teams are tasked to solve as many instances of a hard problem as … > Zum Artikel


Best paper and poster award at PPSN

Researchers of the Algorithm Engineering group contributed to the paper Escaping Local Optima with Local Search that won both the best-paper award and the … > Zum Artikel


Three new members joining

In autumn this year, four new members are joining the Algorithm Engineering group. Kirill Simonov, who obtained his PhD at the University of Bergen, Norway, … > Zum Artikel


Algorithm Engineering group hosts the ALGO conference

The Algorithm Engineering group hosts this years ALGO conference from September 5-9, 2022. The conference combines the 30th edition of the premier algorithmic … > Zum Artikel


Best paper award at GECCO

We are proud to announce that the paper Crossover for Cardinality Constrained Optimization which resulted from the Master Project of our students Leon Schiller, … > Zum Artikel


Four Papers accepted at FOCS, ALGOSENSORS, DocEng and COCOON

We are happy to announce that four papers authored by group members were accepted at various top conferences. Firstly, Nikhil Kumar had his paper An Approximate … > Zum Artikel


Group member appointed professor at École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

We are very happy to announce Martin Krejca, former member of the Algorithm Engineering group and one of the PhD students of Tobias Friedrich, has been … > Zum Artikel


Graduation Prize awarded to Hans Gawendowicz

The Algorithm Engineering group is proud to announce that Hans Gawendowicz, currently a PhD student at the group, received the Graduation Prize 2022 of the … > Zum Artikel


HPI teams earn silver and bronze at GCPC '22

The German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC) is the national German contest for competitive programming with participating student teams from universities … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at ESA and APPROX

This year's European Symposium of Algorithms (ESA), which we will host ourselves in Potsdam from September 5-9, will feature one paper by our group in Track B. … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted at EC and PPSN

Last year, Pascal Führlich wrote his master thesis with our group. The contents of this thesis were now accepted with the title Improving Ranking Quality and … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Martin Schirneck

Martin Schirneck successfully defended his dissertation titled Enumeration Algorithms in Data Profiling. Supervised by Tobias Friedrich and advised by Thomas … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at IJCAI

We are happy to announce that two papers written by members of our group have been accepted for publication at the International Joint Conference on Artificial … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at CiE and SWAT

Our group members Vanja Doskoč and Timo Kötzing had their paper Maps of Restrictions for Behaviourally Correct Learning accepted at Computability in Europe … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Ralf Rothenberger

Ralf Rothenberger successfully defended his dissertation titled Satisfiability Thresholds for Non-Uniform Random k-SAT which was supervised by Tobias Friedrich. … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ICALP

The International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) is one of the prime theory venues in Europe and the annual meeting of the European … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Anna Melnichenko

Anna Melnichenko successfully defended her dissertation Selfish Creation of Realistic Networks which was supervised by Tobias Friedrich and advised by Pascal … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted at GECCO

Since 1999, the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) hosts the latest high-quality results in genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization and … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at SIROCCO

The focus area of the International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROOCO) is the interplay between knowledge, computing … > Zum Artikel


HPI teams successfully participate in Winter Contest 2022

HPI teams successfully participate in Winter Contest 2022 On January 29, CPUlm organized the Winter Contest 2022 in competitive programming. Over 50 teams from … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at ICLR

Maximilian Böther, Otto Kißig, and Martin Taraz participated in our project seminar on Deep Learning for Combinatorial Optimization, where they tackled the … > Zum Artikel


Andreas Göbel receives "Eigene Stelle" grant

Dr. Andreas Göbel is granted the Module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators (Modul Eigene Stelle) by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for his … > Zum Artikel


Happy New Year

We wish the members and friends of the Algorithm Engineering group and their families a happy new year 2022. Stay safe and healthy! > Zum Artikel


Two teams of HPI students successfully participate in NWERC 2021

The Northwestern Europe Regional Contest 2021 (NWERC), an official regional contest in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, took place as … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted at AAMAS

The International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) is the most influential venue for research on behavior that emerges from the … > Zum Artikel


Two new projects granted

The Algorithm Engineering group secured two new projects starting in 2021/beginning of 2022. Granted by the investment bank of Brandenburg (Investitionsbank des … > Zum Artikel


PhD awarded to Karen Seidel

Congratulations to Karen Seidel for the successful defense of her dissertation for which she was granted a PhD from the Digital Engineering Faculty of the … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at ITCS

The Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) conference aims at highlighting novel research directions in the theory of computing and facilitate the … > Zum Artikel


Two additional PhD students joining

Besides the ones previously announced, there are two more PhD students joining the Algorithm Engineering group until the end of the year. Nadym Mallek … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at HPEC and ComplexNetworks

The IEEE conference on High Performance and Embedded Computing (HPEC) deals with computing hardware, software, systems and applications where performance … > Zum Artikel


Master thesis paper accepted at ALENEX

David Stangl wrote his master thesis with the Algorithm Engineering group under the supervision of Thomas Bläsius and Christopher Weyand (now at the KIT). In … > Zum Artikel


Four new PhD students joining

There are four new PhD students joining at the beginning of the new academic year. The first three of them are starting in October. Nicolas Klodt is an HPI … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ISAAC

The International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) is the premier algorithms conference in Asia. Two of this year's ISAAC papers are co-authored … > Zum Artikel


HPI+KIT team wins two tracks at PACE challenge

The Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments (PACE) challenge is an international programming contest in which teams are tasked to solve as many … > Zum Artikel


Student paper wins BPA at GECCO

Maximilian Böther and Leon Schiller combined their Bachelor theses to a paper at this year's Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). It shows … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted at FCT, WCP@ICML and MFCS

We are very happy to announce that our students recently published two papers showcasing the work they did in our seminars and projects. The International … > Zum Artikel


Five papers accepted at ESA and APPROX

The European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) is a premier conference on the design and analysis of algorithm and a central part of ALGO, Europe's largest meeting … > Zum Artikel


Master project paper accepted at KDD

In the Winter 2020/21 Master Project the students Nicolas Klodt, Lars Seifert, and Arthur Zahn developed algorithms for the Chromatic Correlation Clustering … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ICALP

The International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) is one of the prime theory venues in Europe and the annual meeting of the European … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted, one paper each at ACDA, SAT and FGVC@CVPR

The new SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA) brings together researchers who design and study combinatorial and graph … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at IJCAI

Simon Krogmann, who is now a PhD student with the group, wrote his Master's thesis on Facility Location Games on Networks under the supervision of Pascal … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at SPAA

The Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) is one of the leading conferences on parallel algorithms and data structures. It also has a … > Zum Artikel


A total of six papers accepted at MLPCP@ICLR and CiE

The Machine Learning for Preventing and Combating Pandemics (MLPCP) workshop (virtually, May 8th, 2021), part of the International Conference on Learning … > Zum Artikel


Stefan Neubert writes 2nd CS book

Stefan Neubert, a PhD student with the group, wrote a new book Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik in which he introduces the basic concepts and methods of … > Zum Artikel


Successful participation at ICPC NWERC

The Northwestern Europe Regional Contest 2020 (NWERC), an official regional contest in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, was hosted by the … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at GECCO

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2021), planned for July 10-14 in Lille, will be this year's most important scientific venue for … > Zum Artikel


Scientific visitors in March & April

The Algorithm Engineering group hosts three scientific guests in March and April. At the beginning of the month, we welcomed Amirhossein Rajabi who is currently … > Zum Artikel


UP teaching grant awarded to Timo Kötzing

Timo Kötzing received a Leitbild Lehre grant for innovative teaching from the University of Potsdam. In the upcoming summer term, Math II will be taught via a … > Zum Artikel


Two new group members joining

We are happy to announce two new members joining the Algorithm Engineering group on April 1. Samuel Baguley is our new postdoc. He did his undergraduate studies … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at SEA

The International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) is a scientific conference on algorithm engineering with a strong focus on empirical performance … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at AISTATS

The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) is an independent scientific conference for research at the junction of AI … > Zum Artikel


Two Papers accepted at AAMAS

The 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) will be held on May 3-7, 2021 in virtual London, UK. Being the largest and … > Zum Artikel


Three Papers accepted at ICDT and AAAI

The International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) is an established series of international conferences on research in the foundations and theory of data … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at SODA and TrustCom

The ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) is the most important scientific meeting on algorithms. Its 32nd edition, as well as all of its satellite … > Zum Artikel


Group member appointed professor at KIT

We are very happy to announce that Thomas Bläsius has been appointed Junior Professor for Algorithm Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, his … > Zum Artikel


Three papers accepted at ICONIP, IPEC and FSTTCS

The International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) provides a platform for researchers in neuroscience, neural networks, and deep learning. … > Zum Artikel


MOOC on computational learning

Karen Seidel of the Algorithm Engineering group will give a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled Computational Learning Theory and Beyond, starting October … > Zum Artikel


Three new group members joining

We are happy to announce that three new members are joining the Algorithm Engineering group. The first one is the new postdoctoral researcher Sarel Cohen. He … > Zum Artikel


New DFG project TEDA granted

The German Research Foundation (DFG) granted a new research project on Theory of Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms (TEDA). Commonly applied heuristics to … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ATMOS and WAOA

The ALGO 2020 Meeting combines the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) and various other prestigious algorithmic conferences and workshops. As one of those, … > Zum Artikel


New DFG project GEONET granted

The German Research Foundation (DFG) granted a new research project on Geometric Selfish Network Creation (GEONET). It examines how large real-world networks … > Zum Artikel


HM at SIGEVO Dissertation Award

Every year the ACM Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO) award a prize for outstanding PhD theses in that area. Martin Krejca … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at VLDB

The International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB) is the premier venue for research on databases. We contribute one work resulting from a close … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ESA and MFCS

The European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) is one of the leading European algorithms conferences, its 28th edition will be held online as part of the ALGO 2020 … > Zum Artikel


New Research Unit funded by DFG

Tobias Friedrich will form a new Research Unit funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG-Forschungsgruppe) together with Petra Berenbrink (University of … > Zum Artikel


HPI podcast on online teaching

The new episode of the HPI podcast Neuland - Der HPI-Wissenspodcast (in German) is about online teaching in times of Corona. Timo Kötzing and Ralf Teusner … > Zum Artikel


Paper accepted at IJCAI

The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) is one of the two leading international AI conferences. Our group contributes a paper to … > Zum Artikel


Best paper award at EvoCOP

Benjamin Doerr and Martin Krejca received the 2020 Best Paper Award of the European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation … > Zum Artikel


Stay safe

In these difficult times we wish the members and friends of the Algorithm Engineering group all the best. We hope that you and your families stay safe and … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at GECCO

This years Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) will, due to the world-wide coronavirus pandemic, be held online in mid July. Traditionally, … > Zum Artikel


HPI podcast on mathematical structures on the Web

Thomas Bläsius and Tobias Friedrich are featured in the new episode of the HPI podcast Neuland - Der HPI-Wissenspodcast (in German). In the interview they talk … > Zum Artikel


Three new group members joining

The Algorithm Engineering group will see three new members joining over the next couple of months. Minh Huyen Ly Le marks the first new entry, starting a … > Zum Artikel


Two papers accepted at ECAI and EvoCOP

Europe’s premier AI Research venue, the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), holds its 24th edition in June in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. … > Zum Artikel