The regional German television network MDR produced a TV programme on randomness. It aired September 28, 2017 as part of their LexiTV science magazine. The whole programme can be found here (in German). Tobias Friedrich gave a short interview on randomness in computer science.
The Algorithm Engineering group participates in the HPI's effort to provide key knowledge in computer science to the general public. Thomas Bläsius, Timo Kötzing, Pascal Lenzner, and Karen Seidel gave a massive open online course on the openHPI platform. The course titled Einführung in die Mathematik der Algorithmik (Introduction to the Mathematics of Algorithms) teaches the basic mathematical concepts of modern-day algorithmics.
As a coaching for international programming contests, we conducted a course on (Advanced) Competitive Programming in the summer term 2017. On August 1 the final programming contest of the class took place. In keeping with the tradition of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, the students received colored balloons for every exercise solved.
The traditional beach volleyball tournament at the 2017 HPI Summer Party was won by a team made up of members and students of the Algorithm Engineering group. Thomas Bläsius, Fabian Dumke, Philipp Fischbeck, Jennifer Stamm, and Björn Zyska became this-years volleyball champions.
Toby Walsh is a leading researcher in Artificial Intelligence. He visited HPI and gave a talk on "Will AI end jobs, wars, or humanity?" on July 6, 2017. A recording is available on Tele-Task.
Every year in May, we take a new group picture including the researchers and students of the chair.
Photo credit: HPI/K. Herschelmann
Algorithm Engineering
Our research focus is on theoretical computer science and algorithm engineering. We are equally interested in the mathematical foundations of algorithms and developing efficient algorithms in practice. A special focus is on random structures and methods.