Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

December 2021: WINE '21 hosted by the Algorithm Engineering Group

Hosted by the Algorithm Engineering group, researchers gathered in the virtual Hasso Plattner Institute to participate in the Conference on Web and Internet Economics '21 (WINE). This conference serves as interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and results on incentives and computation arising from theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, operations research and economics. Recordings of the event can be found on Tele-Task.

November 2021: PhD awarded to Karen Seidel

Karen Seidel successfully defended her PhD Thesis on Modelling Binary Classification with Computability Theory, thus, obtaining a PhD title in Computer Science. She was supervised by Tobias Friedrich and advised by Timo Kötzing.

Photo Credit: Tobias Friedrich

October 2021: IREBS Symposium on Real Estate

The IREBS Immobilien-Symposium (engl. IREBS Real Estate Symposium) brings together real estate experts from various directions. In its 17th edition, the Algorithm Engineering group contributes a video showing ways compliant with German law to automate every day real estate valuations, intensifying the use of artificial intelligence on the way. This paves the way for an automated and data driven real estate valuation process in the future. This is joint work with the DSV Sparkassenverlag, the Real Estate Management group led by Prof. Wolfgang Schäfers at the International Real Estate Business School (IREBS) of the University of Regensburg, Germany, and the Information System group of the Hasso Plattner Institute led by Prof. Felix Naumann.

Video credit: HPI/IREBS/Timo Lauber (one4two)

July 2021: Bachelor project picture

Traditionally, the Bachlor project group picture is taken around the same time as the other group picture.

Photo credit: HPI/K. Herschelmann

July 2021: Annual group picture

Roughly one year into the pandemic and home office, the annual group picture offers a glimpse of the private life of the Algorithm Engineering group members.