Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Enumeration in Data Profiling

This is a platform for the research project on enumeration problems in data profiling of the HPI Algorithm Engineering group lead by Tobias Friedrich. The research is conducted in close collaboration with our colleagues at the neighboring Information Systems group of Felix Naumann as well as with Kitty Meeks at the University of Glasgow.


Data profiling is the gathering of metadata from databases. In relational data dependencies among different attributes are of particular importance, e.g., unique column combinations (UCCs, a.k.a. candidate keys), functional dependencies, inclusion dependencies, and denial constraints. Usually it is not enough to detect the existence of a single such dependency in a database, instead one is interested in a comprehensive list of all occurrences. This naturally leads to several interesting enumeration problems.

Many discovery algorithms in data profiling use a reduction to the hitting set problem in hypergraphs. In the case of UCCs, we showed that their enumeration is in fact equivalent to the famous transversal hypergraph problem, i.e., computing all minimal hitting sets. While the computational complexity of the transversal hypergraph problem is a major open question, this equivalence opens intriguing new perspectives and in turn facilitates new algorithms for data profiling.

The results of this project are continuously published at the leading scientific conferences, including at IPEC 2016, ALENEX 2019, VLDB 2020, and ESA 2020. Additionally, the late-breaking developments are presented at workshops like the 2018 Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithmic Enumeration and WEPA 2019.

The project includes research conducted together with our students. Julius Lischeid wrote his bachelor's thesis on Lexicographic Enumeration of Hitting Sets in Hypergraphs and Benjamin Feldmann wrote his master's thesis on Distributed Unique Column Combinations Discovery. Johann Birnick contributed to the development and implementation of the HPIValid algorithm as part of this project.


The most recent algorithm developed in this project is HPIValid, it enumerates all inclusion-wise minimal unique column combinations of a given database. The code of a C++ implementation can be found in this GitLab repository. A ZIP-file with the data used for testing can be downloaded here (3.5GB).


The following videos highlight some of the results obtained in this project, which were presented at VLDB 2020 as well as ESA 2020.

Video credits: HPI/respective speakers


The project has resulted in the following scientific publications.

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Additional full versions are available as a preprint on ArXiv.

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We provide C++ implementation of two UCC enumeration algorithms. Special thanks go to Julius Lischeid for authoring and maintaining the code for the ALENEX paper.

  • ALENEX 2019: an oracle-based enumeration algorithm, hosted on GitHub.
  • VLDB 2020: HPIValid, hosted on our GitLab.


We provide the databases used for testing and in some cases the corresponding hypergraphs of minimal difference sets and UCCs.

  • ALENEX 2019: full testing data including database snippets and hypergraphs - link (ZIP, 44.7MB)
  • other snippets, the corresponding hypergraphs, new datasets - link (ZIP, 39.1MB)
  • VLDB 2020: raw databases for testing HPIValid, without the hypergraphs - link (ZIP, 3.5GB)

Additional Resources



Computer Science Department
ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe, Germany

Benjamin Feldmann


Information Systems Group
Hasso Plattner Institute
Potsdam, Germany


Algorithm Engineering Group
Hasso Plattner Institute
Potsdam, Germany

Erik Kohlros


Algorithm Engineering Group
Hasso Plattner Institute
Potsdam, Germany


Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom


School of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, United Kingdom


Information Systems Group
Hasso Plattner Institute
Potsdam, Germany


Big Data Analytics
Philipps University of Marburg
Marburg, Germany


Theory and Applications of Algorithms
University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria