Uses of Interface

Packages that use SimilarityFunction
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction Contains all interfaces and classes for comparing DuDeObjectPairs. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.aggregators Contains aggregators for SimilarityFunctions. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased Contains all resources that belong to the content-based SimilarityFunction component. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl Contains SimilarityFunction implementations that compare attribute values of DuDeObjects. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl.simmetrics Contains content-based SimilarityFunction implementations that use the Simmetrics library. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.structurebased Contains SimilarityFunction implementations that compare the structure of DuDeObjects. 
de.hpi.fgis.dude.util Provides DuDe's utility classes

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction that implement SimilarityFunction
 class AbstractSimilarityFunction
          AbstractSimilarityFunction is a skeleton implementation for providing the common functionality of a SimilarityFunction implementation.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.aggregators

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.aggregators that implement SimilarityFunction
 class Aggregator
          Aggregator aggregates the similarities returned by different SimilarityFunctions.
 class Average
          Average returns the average similarity of all added SimilarityFunctions.
 class HarmonicMean
          HarmonicMean returns the harmonic mean of the added SimilarityFunctions.
 class Maximum
          Maximum returns the maximal similarity of the added SimilarityFunctions.
 class Minimum
          Minimum returns the minimal similarity of the added SimilarityFunctions.

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.aggregators with parameters of type SimilarityFunction
 void Aggregator.add(SimilarityFunction simFunction)
          Adds a SimilarityFunction to this Aggregator with no special multiplier.
 void Aggregator.add(SimilarityFunction simFunction, int multiplier)
          Adds a SimilarityFunction to this Aggregator with the passed multiplier.

Constructors in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.aggregators with parameters of type SimilarityFunction
Aggregator(SimilarityFunction... simFunctions)
          Initializes a MultiDuDeObjectComparator with a number of sub-comparators.
Average(SimilarityFunction... simFunctions)
          Initializes a Average instance.
HarmonicMean(SimilarityFunction... simFunctions)
          Initializes a HarmonicMean instance.
Maximum(SimilarityFunction... simFunctions)
          Initializes a Maximum instance.
Minimum(SimilarityFunction... simFunctions)
          Initializes a Minimum instance.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased that implement SimilarityFunction
 class ContentBasedSimilarityFunction<T extends ContentBasedSimilarityFunction<T>>
          ContentBasedSimilarityFunction is a skeleton implementation with common functionality that is used by any content-based SimilarityFunction.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl that implement SimilarityFunction
 class AbsoluteNumberDiffFunction
          This SimilarityFunction implementation checks the absolute variation of the numbers of two DuDeObject attributes.
 class EquationSimilarityFunction
          EquationSimilarityFunction checks if two values are equal to each other.
 class RelativeNumberDiffFunction
          This SimilarityFunction implementation checks the relative variation of the numbers of two DuDeObject attributes.
 class SoundExFunction
          SoundExFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the SoundEx values of the given attribute.
 class TFIDFSimilarityFunction
          TFIDFSimilarityFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the classic tf-idf metric.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl.simmetrics

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.impl.simmetrics that implement SimilarityFunction
 class BlockDistanceFunction
          BlockDistanceFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the (city) Block Distance of the given attribute.
 class CosineSimilarityFunction
          CosineSimilarityFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the cosine similarity of the given attribute.
 class DiceCoefficientFunction
          DiceCoefficientFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Dice's Coefficient of the given attribute.
 class EuclideanDistanceFunction
          EuclideanDistanceFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Euclidean Distance of the given attribute.
 class JaccardSimilarityFunction
          JaccardSimilarityFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Jaccard Coefficient of the given attribute.
 class JaroDistanceFunction
          JaroDistanceFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Jaro Distance of the given attribute.
 class JaroWinklerFunction
          JaroWinklerFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the extended JaroWinkler distance of the given attribute.
 class LevenshteinDistanceFunction
          LevenshteinDistanceFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Levenshtein Distance of the given attribute.
 class MatchingCoefficientFunction
          MatchingCoefficientFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Matching Coefficient of the given attribute.
 class MongeElkanFunction
          MongeElkanFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Monge Elkan Distance of the given attribute.
 class NeedlemanWunschFunction
          NeedlemanWunschFunction compares two DuDeObject s based on the Needleman Wunch Distance of the given attribute.
 class OverlapCoefficientFunction
          OverlapCoefficientFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Overlap Coefficient of the given attribute.
 class SimmetricsFunction<T extends SimmetricsFunction<T,M>,M extends InterfaceStringMetric>
          SimmetricsFunction is a skeleton class providing the common functionality of all Simmetric similarity functions.
 class SmithWatermanFunction
          SmithWatermanFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Smith Waterman Distance of the given attribute.
 class SmithWatermanGotohFunction
          SmithWatermanGotohFunction compares two DuDeObjects based on the Smith Waterman Gotoh Distance of the given attribute.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.domainspecific.address

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.domainspecific.address that implement SimilarityFunction
 class CitySimilarityFunction
          CitySimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as cities, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class DateSimilarityFunction
          DateSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as dates, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class FamilyNameSimilarityFunction
          FamilyNameSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as family names, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class GivenNameSimilarityFunction
          GivenNameSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as given names, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class HonorificSimilarityFunction
          HonorificSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as honorifics, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class HouseNumberSimilarityFunction
          HouseNumberSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as ZIP codes, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class PhoneNumberSimilarityFunction
          PhoneNumberSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as phone numbers, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class StreetSimilarityFunction
          StreetSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as street names, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class TitleSimilarityFunction
          TitleSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as person's titles, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.
 class ZIPSimilarityFunction
          ZIPSimilarityFunction compares two strings and treats them as ZIP codes, allowing for some special normalization and comparison techniques.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.structurebased

Classes in de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.structurebased that implement SimilarityFunction
 class ConstantSimilarityFunction
          ConstantSimilarityFunction returns a similarity that is independent from the passed DuDeObjectPair and can be specified by the user.

Uses of SimilarityFunction in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util that return SimilarityFunction
protected  SimilarityFunction Experiment.getSimilarityFunction()
          Returns the SimilarityFunction.

Methods in de.hpi.fgis.dude.util with parameters of type SimilarityFunction
 void Experiment.setSimilarityFunction(SimilarityFunction similarityFunction)
          Sets the internally used SimilarityFunction.

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