Interface Cleanable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Algorithm, DataSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAlgorithm, AbstractCleanable, AbstractDataSource, AbstractDuplicateDetection, AbstractRecordLinkage, AdaptiveSNM_Yan2007, BibtexSource, CSVSource, DatabaseSource, DuDeObjectSource, DuplicateCountSNM, GSwoosh, JSONSource, Lego, NaiveBlockingAlgorithm, NaiveDuplicateDetection, NaiveRecordLinkage, RSwoosh, SortedBlocks, SortedNeighborhoodMethod, SortingDuplicateDetection, SortingRecordLinkage, XMLSource

public interface Cleanable

Cleanable is an interface that provides methods for easily closing a bunch of Closeable or Cleanable instances.

Matthias Pohl

Method Summary
 void cleanUp()
          Closes all registered Closeable and Cleanable instances.
 void registerCleanable(Cleanable cleanableResource)
          Registers a Cleanable instance.
 void registerCloseable(Closeable closeableResource)
          Registers a Closeable instance.

Method Detail


void registerCloseable(Closeable closeableResource)
Registers a Closeable instance.

closeableResource - The Closeable resource that shall be closed during the next cleanUp() call. This method has no effects, if null was passed.


void registerCleanable(Cleanable cleanableResource)
Registers a Cleanable instance.

cleanableResource - The Cleanable resource that shall be closed during the next cleanUp() call. This method has no effects, if null was passed.


void cleanUp()
Closes all registered Closeable and Cleanable instances.

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