Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich

Ph.D. Students and/or Postdoctoral Researchers in Algorithms

The Algorithm Engineering group at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) currently hosts about thirty researchers and invites applications for two new

Ph.D. Students and/or Postdoctoral Researchers in Algorithms.

The research group uses methods from mathematics and computer science to approach a range of algorithmic areas including artificial intelligence, network theory and random structures. As part of the privately funded Faculty of Digital Engineering of the University of Potsdam, we engage both in the teaching of outstanding and highly selected students as well as in internationally renowned research. The group and the institute are located at the beautiful Campus Griebnitzsee, at the border to Berlin, offering a vibrant scientific environment.

What we offer:

  • Inspiring research environment;
  • Close collaboration with other scientists;
  • Generous travel allowance and latest computing facilities;
  • Modern work space in Potsdam-Babelsberg;
  • Integration into an international group of researchers;
  • Exceptional students to work with;
  • PhD students receive a generous tax-free stipend; PostDocs are paid via contracts following TVL-13.

What we expect:

  • An excellent degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline;
  • Enthusiasm for mathematical problems and scientific work;
  • Enjoying teamwork and collaboration;
  • PhD student applicants should have a desire to obtain a PhD within 3-4 years;
  • Postdoctoral researchers should have developed their own research profile.

Application process:

  • Postdoctoral researchers from other fields of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics may apply as well but should provide a one-page motivation letter detailing how they fit in the research profile of the group.
  • All Postdoctoral researchers should write a brief research statement.
  • All PhD-student applicants should name 2 PostDocs from our group and discuss (briefly, each) why they find their work interesting.
  • All applications should include a detailed CV, a copy of the (Master or PhD) thesis; PhD-student applicants also a list of courses and grades.
  • Please also mention the names and contact details of one or two references -- preferably one from your thesis adviser.
  • The starting date and particular research topic are flexible.
  • Interested candidates should direct their questions to Timo Kötzing.
  • Applications must be sent via email, preferably as a single PDF, to jobs-friedrich(at)hpi.de by May 31, 2023.
  • Promising PhD-student applicants will be asked to work out a small algorithmic open-book test within a 24-hour window (chosen by themselves).
  • All promising applicants will be interviewed (via video call) and at the same time get the chance to direct further questions to the chair.