Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert Arnrich


Below you will find a list of our publications. For the full-text PDF file please click on url.


  • CognitIDE: An IDE Plugin ... - Download
    CognitIDE: An IDE Plugin for Mapping Physiological Measurements to Source Code. Stolp, Fabian; Stellmacher, Malte; Arnrich, Bert in FSE 2024 (2024). 592–596.
  • Analyzing population-leve... - Download
    Analyzing population-level trials as N-of-1 trials: An application to gait. Zhou, Lin; Schneider, Juliana; Arnrich, Bert; Konigorski, Stefan in Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications (2024). 101282.
  • ARTEMIS: An Alarm Threshold and Policy Mining System for the Intensive Care Unit. Chromik, Jonas; Flint, Anne Rike; Arnrich, Bert in International Journal of Medical Informatics (2024). 105349.
  • Differentially-Private Fe... - Download
    Differentially-Private Federated Learning with Non-IID Data For Surgical Risk Prediction. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Maurer, Max M.; Winter, Axel; Riepe, Christoph; Sauer, Igor M.; van de Water, Robin; Arnrich, Bert in 2024 IEEE First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Health and Care (AIMHC) (2024). 120–129.
  • A computer vision approach to continuously monitor fatigue during resistance training. Albert, Justin Amadeus; Arnrich, Bert in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2024). 89 105701.


  • SONAR, a nursing activity dataset with inertial sensors. Konak, Orhan; Döring, Valentin; Fiedler, Tobias; Liebe, Lucas; Masopust, Leander; Postnov, Kirill; Sauerwald, Franz; Treykorn, Felix; Wischmann, Alexander; Kalabakov, Stefan; others in Scientific Data (2023). 10(1) 727.
  • Design, Implementation an... - Download
    Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Air Quality Sonification System. Terboven, Carla; Panourgia, Eleni-Ira; Arnrich, Bert; Steckhan, Nico (2023).
  • Predictive Alarm Preventi... - Download
    Predictive Alarm Prevention by Forecasting Threshold Alarms at the Intensive Care Unit. Chromik, Jonas; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Ihde, Nina; Michaelis, Marius; Schmidt, Denise; Klopfenstein, Sophie Anne Ines; Poncette, Akira-Sebastian; Balzer, Felix; Arnrich, Bert in Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, A. C. A. Roque, D. Gracanin, R. Lorenz, A. Tsanas, N. Bier, A. Fred, H. Gamboa (eds.) (2023). (Vol. 1814) 215–236.
  • Recommender System for Al... - Download
    Recommender System for Alarm Thresholds in Medical Patient Monitors. Schmidt, Denise; Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2023). 74–85.
  • Online learning for wearable eeg-based emotion classification. Moontaha, Sidratul; Schumann, Franziska Elisabeth Friederike; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2023). 23(5) 2387.
  • Wearable EEG-Based Cognitive Load Classification by Personalized and Generalized Model Using Brain Asymmetry. Moontaha, Sidratul; Kappattanavar, Arpita Mallikarjuna; Hecker, Pascal; Arnrich, Bert (2023).
  • DUO-GAIT: A gait dataset ... - Download
    DUO-GAIT: A gait dataset for walking under dual-task and fatigue conditions with inertial measurement units. Zhou, Lin; Fischer, Eric; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert (2023).
  • Assessing Cognitive Load ... - Download
    Assessing Cognitive Load in Software Development with Wearable Sensors. Stolp, Fabian (2023). 227–229.
  • A Real-time Human Pose Estimation Approach for Optimal Sensor Placement in Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition. Konak, Orhan; Wischmann, Alexander; van De Water, Robin; Arnrich, Bert (2023). 1–6.
  • Food Choices after Cognitive Load: An Affective Computing Approach. Kappattanavar, Arpita Mallikarjuna; Hecker, Pascal; Moontaha, Sidratul; Steckhan, Nico; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2023). 23(14)
  • Optimization of data pre-processing methods for time-series classification of electroencephalography data. Anders, Christoph; Curio, Gabriel; Arnrich, Bert; Waterstraat, Gunnar in Taylor and Francis, Network: Computation in Neural Systems (2023). 34(4) 374–391.
  • Protocol for a Randomized... - Download
    Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Soft Brace and Rigid Orthosis on Performance and Readiness to Return to Sport Six Months Post-ACL-Reconstruction. Jahnke, Sonja; Cruysen, Caren; Prill, Robert; Kittmann, Fabian; Pflug, Nicola; Albert, Justin Amadeus; de Camargo, Tibor; Arnrich, Bert; Królikowska, Aleksandra; Kołcz, Anna; Reichert, Paweł; Oleksy, Łukasz; Michel, Sven; Kopf, Sebastian; Wagner, Michael; Scheffler, Sven; Becker, Roland in Healthcare (2023). 11(4)
  • Overcoming Data Scarcity in Human Activity Recognition. Konak, Orhan; Liebe, Lucas; Postnov, Kirill; Sauerwald, Franz; Gjoreski, Hristijan; Luštrek, Mitja; Arnrich, Bert in IEEE EMBC 2023 (2023).
  • HARE: Unifying the Human Activity Recognition Engineering Workflow. Konak, Orhan; van de Water, Robin; Döring, Valentin; Fiedler, Tobias; Liebe, Lucas; Masopust, Leander; Postnov, Kirill; Sauerwald, Franz; Treykorn, Felix; Wischmann, Alexander; Gjoreski, Hristijan; Luštrek, Mitja; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2023). 23(23)
  • Federated Learning for Activity Recognition: A System Level Perspective. Kalabakov, Stefan; Jovanovski, Borche; Denkovski, Daniel; Rakovic, Valentin; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Konak, Orhan; Arnrich, Bert; Gjoreski, Hristijan in IEEE Access (2023). 11 64442–64457.
  • Towards Supporting an Early Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis using Vocal Features. Gonzalez-Machorro, Monica; Hecker, Pascal; Reichel, Uwe D.; Hammer, Helly N.; Hoepner, Robert; Pedrotti, Lisa; Zmutt, Alisha; Sagha, Hesam; van Beek, Johan; Eyben, Florian; Schuller, Dagmar M.; Schuller, Björn W.; Arnrich, Bert (2023). 1518–1522.


  • Forecasting Thresholds Al... - Download
    Forecasting Thresholds Alarms in Medical Patient Monitors using Time Series Models. Chromik., Jonas; Pfitzner., Bjarne; Ihde., Nina; Michaelis., Marius; Schmidt., Denise; Klopfenstein., Sophie; Poncette., Akira-Sebastian; Balzer., Felix; Arnrich., Bert (2022). 26–34.
  • Defending against Reconst... - Download
    Defending against Reconstruction Attacks through Differentially Private Federated Learning for Classification of Heterogeneous Chest X-ray Data. Ziegler, Joceline; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Schulz, Heinrich; Saalbach, Axel; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors, (F. Marulli; L. Verde, eds.) (2022). 22(14)
  • CLUZH at SIGMORPHON 2022 ... - Download
    CLUZH at SIGMORPHON 2022 Shared Tasks on Morpheme Segmentation and Inflection Generation. Wehrli, Silvan; Clematide, Simon; Makarov, Peter (2022).
  • Elements of a System for ... - Download
    Elements of a System for Automatic Monitoring of Specific Mental Health Characteristics at Home. Kirsten, Kristina; Arnrich, Bert (2022).
  • Towards Multi-Modal Recordings in Daily Life: A Baseline Assessment of an Experimental Framework Anders, Christoph; Moontaha, Sidratul; Arnrich, Bert in IS (2022). (Vol. H) 27–30. Information Society.
  • Quantifying Cognitive Load from Voice using Transformer-Based Models and a Cross-Dataset Evaluation. Hecker, Pascal; Kappattanavar, Arpita M; Schmitt, Maximilian; Moontaha, Sidratul; Wagner, Johannes; Eyben, Florian; Schuller, Björn W; Arnrich, Bert (2022). 337–344.
  • Towards Multi-Modal Recordings in Daily Life: A Baseline Assessment of an Experimental Frame- work. Moontaha, Sidratul; Anders, Christoph; Arnrich, Bert (2022). 27–30.
  • Travelers’ information need in automated vehicles-a psychophysiological analysis. Brandebusemeyer, Charlotte; Ihme, Klas; Bosch, Esther (2022). 1–6.
  • Quantifying Cognitive Load from Voice using Transformer-Based Models and a Cross-Dataset Evaluation. Hecker, Pascal; Kappattanavar, Arpita M.; Schmitt, Maximilian; Moontaha, Sidratul; Wagner, Johannes; Eyben, Florian; Schuller, Björn W.; Arnrich, Bert (2022). 337–344.
  • DPD-fVAE: Synthetic Data ... - Download
    DPD-fVAE: Synthetic Data Generation Using Federated Variational Autoencoders With Differentially-Private Decoder Pfitzner, Bjarne; Arnrich, Bert (2022).
  • SensorHub: Multimodal Sen... - Download
    SensorHub: Multimodal Sensing in Real-Life Enables Home-Based Studies. Chromik, Jonas; Kirsten, Kristina; Herdick, Arne; Kappattanavar, Arpita Mallikarjuna; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2022). 22(1)
  • Extracting Alarm Events f... - Download
    Extracting Alarm Events from the MIMIC-III Clinical Database. Chromik., Jonas; Pfitzner., Bjarne; Ihde., Nina; Michaelis., Marius; Schmidt., Denise; Klopfenstein., Sophie; Poncette., Akira-Sebastian; Balzer., Felix; Arnrich., Bert (2022). 328–335.
  • Computational Approaches ... - Download
    Computational Approaches to Alleviate Alarm Fatigue in Intensive Care Medicine: A Systematic Literature Review. Chromik, Jonas; Klopfenstein, Sophie Anne Ines; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Sinno, Zeena-Carola; Arnrich, Bert; Balzer, Felix; Poncette, Akira-Sebastian in Frontiers in Digital Health (2022). 4
  • PERSIST: A Multimodal Dataset for the Prediction of Perceived Exertion during Resistance Training. Albert, Justin Amadeus; Herdick, Arne; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert in Data (2022). 8(1)
  • Effects of a Supplement C... - Download
    Effects of a Supplement Containing a Cranberry Extract on Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections and Intestinal Microbiota: A Prospective, Uncontrolled Exploratory Study. Jeitler, Michael; Michalsen, Andreas; Schwiertz, Andreas; Kessler, Christian S.; Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela; Grasme, Julia; Kandil, Farid I.; Steckhan, Nico in Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine (2022). 28(5) 399–406.
  • Mental and Behavioural Re... - Download
    Mental and Behavioural Responses to Bahá’’i Fasting: Looking behind the Scenes of a Religiously Motivated Intermittent Fast Using a Mixed Methods Approach. Ring, Raphaela M.; Eisenmann, Clemens; Kandil, Farid I.; Steckhan, Nico; Demmrich, Sarah; Klatte, Caroline; Kessler, Christian S.; Jeitler, Michael; Boschmann, Michael; Michalsen, Andreas; Blakeslee, Sarah B.; Stöckigt, Barbara; Stritter, Wiebke; Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela A. in Nutrients (2022). 14(5) 1038.
  • Voice Analysis for Neurol... - Download
    Voice Analysis for Neurological Disorder Recognition - A Systematic Review and Perspective on Emerging Trends. Hecker, Pascal; Steckhan, Nico; Eyben, Florian; Schuller, Björn W.; Arnrich, Bert in Frontiers in Digital Health (2022). 4
  • Hand Gesture Recognition ... - Download
    Hand Gesture Recognition in Daily Life as an Additional Tool for Unobtrusive Data Labeling in Medical Studies. Joch, Julia; Kirsten, Kristina; Arnrich, Bert (2022).
  • Unsupervised Activity Rec... - Download
    Unsupervised Activity Recognition Using Trajectory Heatmaps from Inertial Measurement Unit Data. Konak., Orhan; Wegner., Pit; Albert., Justin; Arnrich., Bert (2022). 304–312.
  • Have Your Cake and Log it... - Download
    Have Your Cake and Log it Too: A Pilot Study Leveraging IMU Sensors for Real-time Food Journaling Notifications Kappattanavar, Arpita; Kremser, Marten; Arnrich, Bert (2022). (Vol. 5) 532–541.
  • Wearable electroencephalography and multi-modal mental state classification: A systematic literature review. Anders, Christoph; Arnrich, Bert in Computers in Biology and Medicine (2022). 150 106088.


  • TRIPOD—A Treadmill Walk... - Download
    TRIPOD—A Treadmill Walking Dataset with IMU, Pressure-Distribution and Photoelectric Data for Gait Analysis. Trautmann, Justin; Zhou, Lin; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Tunca, Can; Ersoy, Cem; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert in Data (2021). 6(9) 95.
  • Certainty in QRS detectio... - Download
    Certainty in QRS detection with artificial neural networks. Chromik, Jonas; Pirl, Lukas; Beilharz, Jossekin; Arnrich, Bert; Polze, Andreas in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2021). 68 102628.
  • Data Augmentation of Kine... - Download
    Data Augmentation of Kinematic Time-Series From Rehabilitation Exercises Using GANs. Albert, Justin; Glöckner, Pawel; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1–6.
  • Choosing the Appropriate ... - Download
    Choosing the Appropriate QRS Detector. Eilers, Justus; Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2021). (Vol. 14)
  • Monitoring of Sitting Pos... - Download
    Monitoring of Sitting Postures With Sensor Networks in Controlled and Free-living Environments: Systematic Review. Kappattanavar, Arpita Mallikarjuna; Steckhan, Nico; Sachs, Jan Philipp; Freitas da Cruz, Harry; Boettinger, Erwin; Arnrich, Bert in JMIR Biomed Eng (2021). 6(1) e21105.
  • Speaking Corona? Human an... - Download
    Speaking Corona? Human and Machine Recognition of COVID-19 from Voice. Hecker, Pascal; Pokorny, Florian B.; Bartl-Pokorny, Katrin D.; Reichel, Uwe; Ren, Zhao; Hantke, Simone; Eyben, Florian; Schuller, Dagmar M.; Arnrich, Bert; Schuller, Björn W. (2021). 1029–1033.
  • Optimal Sensor Placement ... - Download
    Optimal Sensor Placement for Human Activity Recognition with a Minimal Smartphone–IMU Setup. Rahn, Vincent Xeno; Zhou, Lin; Klieme, Eric; Arnrich, Bert (2021). (Vol. 10) 37–48.
  • Perioperative Risk Assess... - Download
    Perioperative Risk Assessment in Pancreatic Surgery Using Machine Learning. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Chromik, Jonas; Brabender, Rachel; Fischer, Eric; Kromer, Alexander; Winter, Axel; Moosburner, Simon; Sauer, Igor M.; Malinka, Thomas; Pratschke, Johann; Arnrich, Bert; Maurer, Max M. (2021). 2211–2214.
  • Differentially Private Fe... - Download
    Differentially Private Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection in EHealth Networks. Cholakoska, Ana; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Gjoreski, Hristijan; Rakovic, Valentin; Arnrich, Bert; Kalendar, Marija in UbiComp ’21 (2021). 514–518.
  • Sensor-Based Obsessive-Co... - Download
    Sensor-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Detection With Personalised Federated Learning. Kirsten, Kristina; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Löper, Lando; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 333–339.
  • Impact of Custom Features... - Download
    Impact of Custom Features of Do-it-yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIYAPS) on Glycemic Outcomes of People with Type 1 Diabetes. Staszak, Wiktoria; Chromik, Jonas; Braune, Katarina; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1472–1475.
  • Optimal Deployment in Eme... - Download
    Optimal Deployment in Emergency Medicine with Genetic Algorithm Exemplified by Lifeguard Assignments*. Chromik, Jonas; Arnrich, Bert (2021). 1806–1809.
  • Effects of Early vs. Late... - Download
    Effects of Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating on Cardiometabolic Health, Inflammation, and Sleep in Overweight and Obese Women: A Study Protocol for the ChronoFast Trial. Peters, Beeke; Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela A.; Schuppelius, Bettina; Steckhan, Nico; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H.; Kramer, Achim; Michalsen, Andreas; Pivovarova-Ramich, Olga in Frontiers in Nutrition (2021). 8
  • Implicit Model Specializa... - Download
    Implicit Model Specialization through Dag-Based Decentralized Federated Learning. Beilharz, Jossekin; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Schmid, Robert; Geppert, Paul; Arnrich, Bert; Polze, Andreas in Middleware ’21 (2021). 310–322.
  • UZH OnPoint at Swisstext-... - Download
    UZH OnPoint at Swisstext-2021: Sentence End and Punctuation Prediction in NLG Text Through Ensembling of Different Transformers. Michail, Adrianos; Wehrli, Silvan; Bucková, Terézia (2021).
  • Using Machine Learning to... - Download
    Using Machine Learning to Predict Perceived Exertion During Resistance Training With Wearable Heart Rate and Movement Sensors. Albert, Justin; Herdick, Arne; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert (2021).


  • Position Matters: Sensor ... - Download
    Position Matters: Sensor Placement for SittingPosture Classification. Kappattanavar, A. M.; da Cruz, H. F.; Arnrich, B.; Böttinger, E. (2020).
  • Literature Review on Transfer Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using Mobile and Wearable Devices with Environmental Technology. Hernandez, Netzahualcoyotl; Lundström, Jens; Favela, Jesus; McChesney, Ian; Arnrich, Bert in SN Computer Science (2020). 1(2) 66.
  • Constrained expectation m... - Download
    Constrained expectation maximisation algorithm for estimating ARMA models in state space representation. Galka, Andreas; Moontaha, Sidratul; SIniatchkin, Siniatchkin in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2020.1 (2020). 1–37.
  • Self-prediction of seizur... - Download
    Self-prediction of seizures in drug resistance epilepsy using digital phenotyping: a concept study. Moontaha, Sidratul; Steckhan, Nico; Kappattanavar, Arpita; Surges, Rainer; Arnrich, Bert (2020). (Vol. 14)
  • Federated Learning in a M... - Download
    Federated Learning in a Medical Context: A Systematic Literature Review. Pfitzner, Bjarne; Steckhan, Nico; Arnrich, Bert in ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) Special Issue on Security and Privacy of Medical Data for Smart Healthcare (2020).
  • Tangle Ledger for Decentr... - Download
    Tangle Ledger for Decentralized Learning. Schmid, R.; Pfitzner, B.; Beilharz, J.; Arnrich, B.; Polze, A. (2020). 852–859.
  • Validation of an IMU Gait... - Download
    Validation of an IMU Gait Analysis Algorithm for Gait Monitoring in Daily Life Situations. Zhou, Lin; Tunca, Can; Fischer, Eric; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Ersoy, Cem; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert (2020).
  • How We Found Our IMU: Gui... - Download
    How We Found Our IMU: Guidelines to IMU Selection and a Comparison of Seven IMUs for Pervasive Healthcare Applications. Zhou, Lin; Fischer, Eric; Tunca, Can; Brahms, Clemens Markus; Ersoy, Cem; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (2020).
  • Evaluation of the Pose Tr... - Download
    Evaluation of the Pose Tracking Performance of the Azure Kinect and Kinect v2 for Gait Analysis in Comparison with a Gold Standard: A Pilot Study. Albert, Justin; Owolabi, Victor; Gebel, Arnd; Brahms, Markus Clemens; Granacher, Urs; Arnrich, Bert in MDPI Sensors (2020). 20(18)
  • Will You Be My Quarantine... - Download
    Will You Be My Quarantine: A Computer Vision and Inertial Sensor Based Home Exercise System. Albert, Justin; Zhou, Lin; Gloeckner, Pawel; Trautmann, Justin; Ihde, Lisa; Eilers, Justus; Kamal, Mohammed; Arnrich, Bert (2020). (Vol. 14)
  • Prototypical System to De... - Download
    Prototypical System to Detect Anxiety Manifestations by Acoustic Patterns in Patients with Dementia. Hernandez, Netzahualcoyotl; Garcia-Constantino, Matias; Beltran, Jessica; Hecker, Pascal; Favela, Jesus; Cleland, Ian; Lopez, Hussein; Arnrich, Bert; McChesney, Ian in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology (2020). 5(19)
  • IMU-Based Movement Trajec... - Download
    IMU-Based Movement Trajectory Heatmaps for Human Activity Recognition. Konak, Orhan; Wegner, Pit; Arnrich, Bert in Sensors (Switzerland) (2020). 20(24) 1–15.
  • HYPE: Predicting Blood Pr... - Download
    HYPE: Predicting Blood Pressure from Photoplethysmograms in a Hypertensive Population. Morassi Sasso, Ariane; Datta, Suparno; Jeitler, Michael; Steckhan, Nico; Kessler, Christian S.; Michalsen, Andreas; Arnrich, Bert; Böttinger, Erwin M. Michalowski, R. Moskovitch (eds.) (2020). (Vol. 12299)


  • Unobtrusive Measurement o... - Download
    Unobtrusive Measurement of Blood Pressure During Lifestyle Interventions. Morassi Sasso, Ariane; Datta, Suparno; Pfitzner, Bjarne; Zhou, Lin; Steckhan, Nico; Boettinger, Erwin; Arnrich, Bert (2019).
  • Integrative Network Analysis Of Microbiome-Immune Axis In Metabolic Syndrome Patients During A Fasting Intervention. Avery, Ellen G; Balogh, András; Bartolomaeus, Hendrik; Löber, Ulrike; Steckhan, Nico; Markó, Lajos; Wilck, Nicola; Hamad, Ibrahim; Šušnjar, Urša; Mähler, Anja; Hohmann, Christoph; Lesker, Till R; Strowig, Till; Dechend, Ralf; Bzdok, Danilo; Kleinewietfeld, Markus; Andreas, Michalsen; Müller, Dominik N; Forslund, Sofia K in Hypertension (2019). 74(Suppl_1)
  • Digital Transformation of... - Download
    Digital Transformation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Accepted Presubmission). Steckhan, Nico; Arnrich, Bert in Complementary Medicine Research (2019).
  • A multi-site study on walkability, data sharing and privacy perception using mobile sensing data gathered from the mk-sense platform. Hernández, N; Arnrich, Bert; Favela, J; Ersoy, C; Demiray, Burcu; Fontecha, J in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019). 10 2199–2211.
  • Stress detection in daily life scenarios using smart phones and wearable sensors: A survey. Yekta Said, Can; Arnrich, Bert; Ersoy, Cem in Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2019). 92 103139.
  • MORPHER – A Platform to Support Modeling of Outcome and Risk Prediction in Health Research. Freitas da Cruz, Harry; Bergner, Benjamin; Konak, Orhan; Schneider, Frederic; Bode, Philipp; Lempert, Conrad; Schapranow, Matthieu-P. (2019).
  • An Information and Communication Platform Supporting Analytics for Elderly Care. Konak, Orhan; Freitas Da Cruz, Harry; Thiele, Marvin; Golla, David; Schapranow, Matthieu-P. (2019).
  • An Exploratory Study to Detect Temporal Orientation Using Bluetooth’s sensor. Netzahualcoyotl, Hernandez; Demiray, Burcu; Arnrich, Bert; Favela, Jesus (2019). (Vol. 13) 292–297.


  • HPI-DHC at TREC 2018 Prec... - Download
    HPI-DHC at TREC 2018 Precision Medicine Track. Oleynik, M; Faessler, E; Sasso, A.M; Kappattanavar, A.; Bergner, B.; da Cruz, H.F.; Sachs, J.-P.; Datta, S.; Boettinger, E (2018).